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Show rollrts loorl. A colored man mmod Thomaa 1'reucli wai arraigned Ufore Jutthu I,aiu.y tod ty on tho charge of attaulU IngThouutC. HlntforJ, alau colored with alulchcr knife, on Coramercla Htrect latt night. It It alleged tint tho defcnltut caught Hlratfurd tu u compromising iioililon witli lilt wlfe-anj therefore tlie ntaault. Frent Ii gae tmndi In the tumof Jictllo appear for trial tomorrow, tomor-row, win n the catu n ill lai thlroughly lnvti.tlgiled. " Hamuel MclAiighun waa trlecl on tho charge ol la tit larceny, Tho evldentv wat Itituluclent to couvlct and the do fvndtnt wiidlthcargeil. i'.nli. Hint wIki haa iiamt the gniter portion of hit time in tlio tlty Jail of late, fordrunkentieta, wai la-fute tho court on the old charge. He plea J f;ullty aiidwaaientemcd to llltydaya nitrttoumentat hard labor. Win l.oyd wi flm.l Jlofor a llm-llirollrii'i. llm-llirollrii'i. Ilola-rt Nrlaou wai fluod I0 for fiat auJ rnkleaa driving. |