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Show rm fin sin Trm avium i m mi. Iliil.ltrlal llrll.r Inkru I n ami III.-rii..Ml. III.-rii..Ml. Drritou, May l KIdcr Jeukln of I'hlla lvl hla ma lu n strong argument that thu aseemoly should in tun i rliul plulu thumalkr. Coiitlnutiig husald. "Vi hat would bo our brisout condition lilt for the wolk ilf.hn by Ihu lilltilslera amllhilrfimllli? Think of n maximum maxi-mum ol i. Itlhiteiibughformin w ho must 'iid Inn of their list )inti In gittnigati txaulviiiilticatloiiand all tl.uti.li.f iiuir wirkhtg ymra In uhluous work, In whlili niomy cannot aa a rul li lal I tip It la it point of honor lo uy ltoncet debts nud Hill deLt kmiiebtof honor It over there waa one." Tho comniltteo on hill and ovciturea leoumniiii led dlrtct rififenreof ter tain ovc rturew lo the a ; roprlalu com-milieu com-milieu wllhoul I lying them In ft lo thu awnmll) lint, dojtcd. lTiu longalaitillng niattirof imcuiit-ar) imcuiit-ar) oldlgitloii In tin (hunk at Jaik-aouvllle, Jaik-aouvllle, la waa ti fit nil to Ilu tliiancei t-ummltku with ItiitructloiH torejrtearl) uextwitk. An n IJoniiiiiHut waa then taken until un-til Monday tnuriilug m t rder to unable thu iiek gitia to leAvufor an Ann Arbor excursion. ru glvu the I'n-sli) terl.tii general aiacinbly a vluw of suutlienlerii Mlelilgill and also to dlilliigulili by lis, iriseneulhuitiiHcatlon this nlteriioon uf Mi Mlllau Hall, ix Uovernor Alger provided a eiieclal train, whkli cnrrltil the i oiiiiuUsioue r an I ri resent itlvea ol the n. to Ami Arbor, rim hall la Ibu gilt nt I'liltedHtaksHitialor McMillan to tho fa) pan fnatbytetlaii nsroclillon, so nauieil frutti Dr. Tappan, llrst prcsldetitof tlieMlchlgan Uldlelsll), Allirllev. Dr iladcllfft, prrsldrnt of tho asaoclitliili, had Welcomed tho assembly, J. W. Hirdmaii txplulied tho reaMiiiforlullJIiigthuliall, which waa ilflbiicd to furnish n social uu I religious club, iindir I'nsh) lerlan aii'ilcea, for the Lis) jciiiig olu studying lu Aim Alb r. Mrs Haikitt Kile lliu lot Mil hullllng, to whkli McMillan hall has lai.ii ndiied,aau mu'iiorlal to In r jotiiig a ui, Walter. rtieri la a large haiement In the now bull ling, finely equlpis-d for h)a!cal culture. Ihu ml Idle story ha reading rooms and utht r fsillltlm for ivh Ul nnd Intellectual i nUrUiiinnht and i njo)-iiunls. njo)-iiunls. Tha thlnl coulalua n thiairu-rliai.il thiairu-rliai.il halt for lecturea on religious anl moral suljtcl. Thu noli of Hcnator McMillan, tho latter Ulng ab-otnt In l.uropu. In n I rl.l atlilriq... I rent,-d III,, l,.ll Ut lliu riAsocIatlon. Modi rator Ureuu said hu was glad to ei naa Ihu sympathy and Inttrist if that boil) lu this i Holt to Christianity, that higher eduction. Thu rafi-Ati association has hold of thu right siring (lod bleu tin ork. l'resldent Angtll, of thu Michigan tinlvirslt), also spoke. toiilllrl lltlneru Inall.k nntl l-oilu unr.e. IiNlsiv, May 21. A dispatch received re-ceived htru froui Ixirenio Alarquct, A 1'ortugucsu town in Africa, ou thu north sldu of Delagia bay, a)a Ihu llrllMi endnr "llrlck" list arrived, and rciiorlen serious conflict between llrltlth and 1'ortuguese coloulila. fnniiniii.lMrWln.lrMi uvi lliu Iroolal statloued at tho llortuguciu nillltary i.l an Iho Illver I'uugwu attacked thu lltlllili Houth Africa Coniny'a ix-dlllon, ix-dlllon, commandeil by Commission-erll. Commission-erll. H.JoIiiihuii. Huvin rortuguino werekllled. Thu Ilrltlih Icsa la un-kuowu. un-kuowu. Tliellrlll.il cruller "Magi-ileiine" "Magi-ileiine" and thn llrlllsh minboat "I'lgeou" liavu arrived at llolra, Ma-ihoualand, Ma-ihoualand, win ro In April the I'orlu giineauthorllh s Ireil Ilrltlih mall sjcki and llol pud Wllloughby's oxi. llll in. |