Show j c I Livestock Market Market I NORTh SALT U L LAKE NORTH SALT r LAKE AIN Juno June 13 3 USDA togs Hogs Receipts 3 including head for tor the local market di direct 11 ii- ii reel to local loca packers lOG in transit to Los Angeles market 27 to San Diego I packers hackers market st steady ady at yesterdays yesterday's advance In drive-In light and medium I weight butchers and packIng pack pack- In log Ing BOWS 2 late Friday two loads smooth butcher bulcher hogs boga 19 and 17 pounds at 1025 I Cattle Receipts Cattle Cate Receipts 73 3 Including 41 4 head for tor the local market 32 In transit to California dairymen odd sales good grade cows cows 25 heifers helCer at Sheep Sheep Receipts Including 1960 heads In transit to Los Angeles paek puckers rs and 2000 to Utah Utah- breeders breeder none this tills market I OGDEN OGDEN June June 23 USDA USDA USDA Hogs Re Receipts I 56 Including 11 head for Cor the lie local market 96 50 6 In transit to South San an Francisco market to to Oakland packers and 90 SO to Swanston pack packers n steady with yesterdays yesterday's advance load Iad around nd pound p lights g h 01 deck pigs pigo r medium u weight ins drive i ve 1025 late Friday part load pound packing sows sowa pound mover aver vel ages agea smooth pound packers packer 50 Cattle Receipts Cattle CalIe Receipts 43 for lor the tho local market slow eloW at steady st-ady st prices odd lots hots medium grade cows weekly receipts receipts' total 1783 steady to higher under light receipts and fairly good quality top for tor week 1050 on Oil steers and heifers heifer Sheep Sheep Receipts 2055 2056 Including 71 l head for tor or the local market and liliU In transit t to the Denver Denyer market local supply ewes ewel unsold late I CHICAGO CHICAGO June Juno 3 USDA USDA 1 Hogs Hogs- Receipts Receipt mostly to higher high cr er spots to higher packing sows solve steady top 1110 paid for tor choice to pound weights weight shippers shipper 1000 estimate hold 1500 butchers butchen medium to choice 25 to pounds S 1025 1100 to pounds 1100 to pounds 1110 10 to 10 pounds 1070 packing sows pigs medium to choice 90 to pounds Cattle Catte Receipts compared to week ago strictly grain fed ted steers and yearlings especially light yearlings weighty steers strong trong to higher steer barely steady all al grass Crass gras slaughter steers steer weak to off oU discriminating against grassy grulY kinds emphatic in all al classes grass cows and heifers helfers heifer SOc lower largely grasl 00 to 00 under two weeks weeke early cutters weak to lower for the tile week strictly grain fed ted cows very scarce caree bulls buls to higher steady best het light steers 1490 1490 top light yearlings and heavy steers ateer 1475 light heifers reaching that price more replacement steers and she else stock In run as grass season advances Sheep Sheep Receipts 2000 market steady six double string good around pound 76 pound 7 around 1625 28 23 per cent out for tor the week 65 doubles s from Cram feeding stations direct curtailed receipts receipt forced upward reaction fat tat lambs GOc to higher throw-outs throw 00 up quality ity considered dry fed yearlings yearling sparIng sparIng sparIng spar- spar Ing lamb advance sheep lIe to lower loner feeding lambs weak weale ewe lambs iambs to SOc down the weeks week's top prices Range lambs 1715 natives 1650 yearlings 1450 fat Cat at ewes 00 bulk prices for Cor week Rangers r 1700 natives native 50 16 5 yearlings fat ewes ewel J feeding lambs KANSAS S CITY CIT IA KANSAS SAS CITY June 23 USDA USDA USDA- Cattle Cattle Receipts calves for tor week medium and heavy weight steers steer steady to lIc Hc higher light weight steers storrs and yearlings including mixed yearlings year year- ear lings lingo to SOC SO higher slaughter cows and bulls buls steady 00 higher stockers and feeders unchanged weeks week's tops tOPI Heavy steers 1100 medium medium medium me me- weight and light steers steen 1450 pound mixed yearlings 1500 bulk fed steers 1400 yearlings butcher cows 0 odd lots lot heavy cows closing cosIng cbs clos cos- cos ing top veal 1110 stockers r and feeders teed feed eed ers 1250 Sheep Sheep Receipts none for tor week lambs bc to 00 higher yearlings around higher sheep steady to lower top Idaho lambs 1556 1585 1550 top natives 1576 1571 67 bulk 1500 1560 fed Texas Texa yearlings largely 1100 00 1175 top 1185 year old wether as aged Id offerings top ewes ewe few feed feed- In log lambs Hogs Receipts I 1000 receipts mostly direct bulk desIrable to 20 pound of offerings Cering taken by shippers shIppers- shipper at 0 5 1040 top 1040 choice cholee lo to pound weights weight lOo to He higher than Fridays Friday's beat best time packer purchases confined to a few tew lots unfinished JO JOto to 10 pound averages at few packing sows cost Friday Friday Fri Fri- day weight 22 pounds 1 0 OMAHA OMAHA June 23 Cattle USDA USDA USDA-Catte- Cattle Cattle- Receipts calves none compared ed compa with wih week a ago o. o ted feet steers steer yearlings and heifers to e higher cows mind bulls buls strong to higher vests 00 higher stockers and feeders stron strong to higher bulks for week Fed ed steers steer and yearlings 2 ty steers 1450 yearlings and and light steers 1460 heifers heler mostly few tew loads bulk beet beef bee cars car's cows choice lots up to 1200 1100 bulk buIlt all al cutters 6 medium bulls bul 7 practical top 1400 few tew to Independents 1150 1450 stockers and feeders feeder Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 1000 receipts fed clipped lambs sold lold to arrive at 1450 steady compared with wih week weel ago Iambs lambs and yearlings SOc to higher sheep and feeders leeders feeder to SOc higher closing bulks folo follow fat range lambs lambl 1575 17 top 1000 GOO natives 5 fed clipped chIpped lambs fed yearlings 1300 range yearlings fat tat ewes top 67 range feeding lambs 1325 Hogs Receipts uneven Ito to higher bulk good and ald choice 00 to pound poune butchers top to pound lights highto packing cItIng sows mostly 91 Average Average Average Aver Aver- age cost Friday 66 weight 6 pounds |