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Show COMPOSTINO MANURES. Cemtmnler ,, Jlr.l, o.l Mmn tax aa M!.. The Idea la becoming prevalent that couipoatluclstf llttlo benellt, aud that tho cheaper method of drawing ouftle manure aa fait aa inadoanl aprcadlug It on tho lind la nearly oa goil It la nrgueit that tho manure mnt ferment mine tlm, and In the aoll thtro la little chancofor Ira fettilltlng proivrtlea to eacape Dqt, aaya Aniericin Culllvalur we auapect that the fact of tho new mothod aaving labor la with many the most Important ronel leratton I la in t doubted that romiotlng ma-nnro ma-nnro makes It more Immediately avail ttMi ltdoeinotadl tu the lamfit that the manum tiltlmately given, but if the compuit heap ft properly prolerted it iiee.1 not detract from It Aavumlna; that the dim quantity of manum will nltlmitily In ellhtr cneepnt an equal ami nut of plant fool In tl aoll, tlierola lllll a great odvantagelu hiving it rend; fur uh) early In tho aeaaoiL llsccptinj winter wheat and rye. m farm cropa are aownlatnln the reami, and even I hew make nnl a amall port of tlieir growth In tl e full. If maunr ie applied late In ajrlng unferraenlol It la often paat laid auniner before the crop get full lieneBI from It Onrngrocnit idth ttol of ten, may bo he!d b the lit rf July, but amall aj ring gnlna, on giMuil revere.) In rprlng with whollr tinfrrmentnl manure ma-nure ranly rrcele much lienelt Stable manure la iwtcr drawn out wlmlly unfermiited It bu to la- gath ereil Into beape lor g-rater i-onvenlence In han Ulng, and Ihna gathered fennen tatlou, eapedally with hone miinnre, l glm qnlekiy nn 1 1 rognwee roildIy. It li for llila reaacn In great irt tUt horm innnuro U genrrnll) reekoneil worth more than that from cowa. It ta aome what fermeu.vil, and tliereforo aome wliat aolohle Wore tlng applied. Tile the cow manure Inhe.ii.i n fewdaya giro it equal feniienutlon, nnd It the cowa havo lieen fed na well aa the borate tl ilr inauuro ought to 1w equally alua Wo Ulleve farmr wonl 1 fin 1 It to their Intereat to i Ho tip all man-no at leait a fv ibya, and eepeclilly In win ter. before droning It to the fiel !. 01 courao tho beapa lima piled lip about 1 1 iroteeltd fnm ralna and anow, and honl I almliocnvrreil with loam or olhet nliHorbent to iTeicnt ciaporatlon In audi con lltlon they might bo left a month or more without lima liy ciajioration Tlio eilra lain r In 1 lllng up the niannra la partly olT t bytho leeeene-l airount to la drawn, and ill finer con lltlon, which enablea It to bo mora evenly dla-trihute-l, an 1 by Ita.i.rc4ter mailabtity. It laaomowliatatrangnthat thlarin ciple luu not Ken morn generally recog nlicd rnrnirm iiy hrge ainounta of money for coinuierctil tuanurt, mainly becauao they am Immediately available and eaally dlilribule.1. If they put more labor In compcetina- their own tiome made atabto manure, n mrt at leaat of liilacxNiio wonll nrtloiie-del. The farmer might blniaelf cmniioiit the ma num. and if lie tlrchswd exininiercial ftrtlllzcni, mix both, and thua gitdou bte tho immediate benefit from manur Ing that bo doea now. 11.. I.. f Cumb lrnnlillon. lleglnnrra who aro not familiar with tlio uao of comb foundation will find help In tho following advlcu git en by A.I. Knot, recognlaed authority on oil mat-tera mat-tera pertaining to apiculture, 'in I la beo and honey maunal lor l0i, llotayai I tlilnkthrrola little qneitlon that it paya to u-o foundation In full ahecte In tho 1 rood frames and aectlona, eapee lilly tho latter If yo l think J oil cannot af-ford af-ford eo much on ahould at leaat havo a (trip fur n atarter. It will help much lm.ro than ltcoti In getting atralght. ev en romha. You c in uao a atarter any wl lilt from rna Inch up Unary, medium an I light brtjod foundation ia uao l ouly In l rood framna, thin and extra thin only 111 aurt lui bosra. 1'orframea without wire, and Ihom d jur tlian Ij frame, heavy or medium brood ahould bo nied. Never urn light Iroexl In full ehoete without wire, and oven with wire medium brood la lunch moro aatlafacto y. Llghtbroo.l coda leiw ik r iuare f t, bnt la very liable t j eag without wire anl to wrlnklo when wire la uaeib If j on u otlya atarter In wctlon boiea thin foundation la beat! if full atartora are uaed extra thin will bo bettor, bet-tor, a It li not ao pere.ittb!o in tho honev when !uiUlied, on 1 doea not uiako w hat haa been c died "iWibotie" In comb hone)-, it belnc eo thin aomu Into trouble with tie bnei tearing it do n, and t'loreforo taeyprifer to uao thin 1 1 r tho pcraoti who la net nurouhnt ho wantawoodviaoincdlamtrood for uao in broe-1 framea aud thin eurilua fur MCtlona. I retlla of Htieeu ItaUlllg. Aa! to from tho tiaual i rollt of ahcep ralali g, tho fanner who jitdhiouidy m-tnrca m-tnrca them uter hla lau 1 for nnuinber of atiaoLa will hato tho f neat aud mort produe.Uo laudaknonn taagrleulturo. u thii manner n farther wid more ataple rviuvo of pro'it may Iv aocmvl tlian from any other claw of atoek, hlieep rrqutro freiueut changi of imaturuge, nnd good range for them Ualwa)aoiiiu liciiiateel for liy an liu roieoo of vigor and growtlt. Do not kep our eheep con Uued, and In herding allow them to aeut-ter aeut-ter about aa nuehai txaatbloat their wllh |