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Show I'robate Cwirt. The following business nil transected trans-ected Jn this court yesterdny: Kstate of Dimick It. Huntington; petition lo set asiJe decree, of dis-tnliution dis-tnliution camu on for hearing. Proof of publlcaUon of in tire of hearing niiproved. Aftsr hearing some testimony the court tsok the nutter under advisement K'tate of Harriet BowdleJ petition for probate of will cams on for heating. Will admitted ti probate and J. -It. Jfowd'e appointed executor exe-cutor without bond. instate of Uryant Strinrham; j-tittou j-tittou for full aud camplutu account of administrator liismlssu'l by consent con-sent of both iwrties. Kslite of William Du;an; return of kiIs of real estate nude. Iteaale ordered. Kstate of Devi IticliarJs; petition for letters of admloisfraUou came on for hearing. Proof of posting notices made. Order ra ide appointing appoint-ing admltii'trator, with, bonds In the sumors5000. Kstatu of James Casey; order made confirming ealo of real estate |