Show Avalanche Avalanche- Kills in Brazil I New Slide Threatens Santos Santo City RIO JANEIRO March 10 AP AP- AP Sudden shifting of a side ide of Mount Serrat situated in the th center of the city of Santos Santol state tate of Sea Sao Paulo crashed thousands of tons of earth and rocks rock without warning onto a section of that place this thil morning and left Ift a dead dad and dying toll estimated esti uti- mated at more than 2 houses House and nd buildings in tho path of the slide lIde were wr crumpled rumpled and nd buried their occupants occupant apparently unable to the escape huge hus avalanche ava ava- ta lanche Tonight white while tOO teo men were ere It en en- in rescue work ork in the stricken potion of the city It there were indications indi hadl- cation that the Uie slide Udo of ol one on aide 11 of the mountain had Md weakened the dirt on another nother aid We and there thee raa a fear that another catastrophe In an n adjoining area are area was Impending Mount Yount Serrat with a moderately high peak peek U is tuat situated virtually Inthe in inthe inthe the center of ot Santos SantoZ Brazils Brazil's principal principal prin pile cipal col coffee port with residence and business bund buildings a preAd around it on en t. t three aide While detail aa as received her here are comparatively ta fell feir It was said that tho the avalanche occurred Just before dawn th this morn morning Ing Although there had been beast previous warnings of ot a possible shifting of or the side aide or of the mountain there had been no indication indi cation callon that an any such dan danger dancer r eras wa I Imm Immediate C Coming as a. It did it Undoubtedly un undoubted un- un I doubted 1 caught raught many mn residents of or the stricken ar area asleep 1 |