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Show Literary Notices. Oa the 1st inst, was Issued the initial number of the fourteenth volume vol-ume of Earm and tlrenie, a de-servedly,iouIar de-servedly,iouIar bi-monthly apcr, lntereetiug to all classes of readers. It has probably as largeailrcuiatlon as any agricultural journal extant, and Its columns are devoted to tho various braucbesof agriculture. The chafer ou tbe poultry yard Is a prominent feature.aud some exceedingly exceed-ingly useful hints to amateurs are given in each number. Orchards and small fruits are treated uion by conitent writers; the answers to Inquiries are always replete with Instruction; In-struction; and "Home Topics" re-' celvea full share of attention. There is a first-class selection of general reading matter; the editorial notes on current events an good; and some choice pieces of original (oetry are Ini ludeU in each Issue. Earm and I'irttule U jalblishcd at 927 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa., and also at Springfield, Ohio. cn6ncr'magazlue for October is a welcome addition to the literature of tile current nioi.tli, and the present pres-ent number is fully up to the average. aver-age. The table of content is subjoined: sub-joined: "The Lovers' Quarrel" (a fine frontispiece engraving by J. It. Weguellli); "With a Cable Lxdi-lion" Lxdi-lion" (with illustrations by Burns, Fitter, W. L. Metcalf aud Dearborn Gardiner), Herlwrt Laus Webb; "Horace, Book III, Odu IXr The Lovers' Quarrel" (Mr. Gladstone's translation, reprinted by tiermls-lou); tiermls-lou); "The City House In the West," John W. Root; "Old Age," C P. Crauch; "Autumn Song," Duncan Campbell Scott; "Jerry" From Port to Port with the White Squadron," Rufus KalrchllJ Zug-iuum; Zug-iuum; "Revisiting a Green Nook," Mrs. James 1. Fields; "Nature aud Mtn In America." (Second Paper) N. S. Shaler: "Vagrant Love" (A Itondel), Louise Chandler Moulton; "Fray Ueuto's Bell," Charles Poul MacKle; "Wiue of LuslUula," Edith M. Thomas; "The I.ake Couutry of New England." New-wanSmjlh; New-wanSmjlh; '-Sand-waves at Hen-lupeiiaiid Hen-lupeiiaiid Hattrra"Johu R.:isn-; "hie Private School forGirlVMra. riylvanus Reed; "The Point of View" (A French View of American Ameri-can College Athletics Ineligibilities Ineligibili-ties of tho Rich A Study of Heirs Symiathy iu Authorship). The magazine is, as usual, tbundantly tllu-tnted by some of the best among living artt-U. |