OCR Text |
Show I gfuoebaker Bros. Manf g Go. ciukivci: beimmtoht. . - J3 5uia SIrif t, & Branch Houe Corner Slate Road & 2J South Bi f ieb FINEST CARRlAGOJSMTintiie TERRITORIES) U?ST AHD HEAVY tiAGONS 1U EVERY STYLE THAT IS ELIDE Vehicle ' PuMicanJ rrfrxt Lh la All Varieties ami rrlce. UW itrXT .OE IS f MlsliT, ftiHpioa Lid Plao fiirrs-tiag Haclints and Extra I i Csse Tinsfere. Esrse hftn, Engines and Bii!?. Weir, Harrises, Seiel 5 Sflati Escd Plots, Hay Hales, We InvlteTYou fcTcall and Sea Us. dA. --c:--- -- - - - c - s- -- Jl W. EUK-IT8 LUMBER YARD ens-half Block South and Otfe-iialf Block 1 West of Old Stand, I One-half Block West of Eighth Ward Square. 1 DAVID JAMES" & CO, i Plumber?, das and Steam Fitters, UEALECS IX Fljmb pg Material, Pumps, Pipoand Fittings, Steam He'n.;' Supplies, Tin and Iron Roofing. Cal- . .zee! Iron Cornice, Guttering, Etc GA1JII-i IIOSi; undLi.Wi SSl'IMrNICJL.'t'tKS. No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. -Krasei & Olialmers, MIMING MACHINERY. i L. C1KIST ul ' 3. SUN UA-sAGEI, No. 7 W. SECOND SOOTH S7KZXT. SLT LAEE C1TT. " Builder-, . lostloi-r in .A.11 IvImlH oi'STucUlnory, LL1XTIUC LIGHT I'liAXTS, ENGINES, BOILERS, zz SAW MILLS, Ua-m Drill., WelMIooriaj: XacJ-lue. Blt33il Core Drills, WAT.. 5 HE'S. LOCOMOTIVES. STEAM MOTORS. . '-Wt' -m ,c!itfirT;erIroii VotUs Double CrimeJ Mining f'lotli-Hr f'lotli-Hr .T. r :. ., . Merchant. s.alieaa'.BaiifcBaiMiac. No I. N Mam St. HtUna E. C. COFFIN HttpU'iE ?0., JPROG-EESS - BTJILDIiTG ! I We are now ready to promptly at-I at-I tend to the wants of all who are I needing Hardware, Stoves, Houso I Furnishing Goods, Etc. Our prices are sure to suit. Our goods are sure to please, and if you will pay us a visit it will afford us pleasure to meet you whether you buy or not. and you may see just what you have been looking for a long time. .IttJMIffllAM - T " ", p.. r.eo.Koraej.JJaaa-er, Ara.,-0 1W ItoSnS Geo lI.Talor.AllataalMaaa,er. " I rsutTOSg. ' Cm. EJ42iner,3erT,aiiil Treaaurrr. LumberYard & SteamPlapiDgMili TAYLOR, R0JVINEY LsARJVISTRONG GO., Ono Sloclc East of XT. O. R. R. Depot oBoots! Shoes! Slippers !s NO BOOM PRICES At Solomon Bros., 7 O 2M -ZJa. X rKT ST Xt T3 XS T. Our Goods aro Reduced from lO to 15 per cent. Don't Fail to Como and ho convinced. Call and oxamino trio various S'yles of Our Own Mako and Imported. Honest Goods! Fair Prices! Aisays Reliable ! Hone Better in tie Market noun iMnsTitv is 1111: lirar or roi.it'Y. A Choice Line of GROCERIES and CONFECTIONERY at 64 Wain Street, as Cheap as' the Cheapest Goods Delivered Freo THE STATE MHK OF UTAH. CrtJCXT.A.X., .300,000. I1EI.FK J. flRVNr.lYukkiit.- VM. R rUESTO.V. Yt-ce-VrWent, IlhBKt: M. WELL'', Carter. sxnucTonsi Jat(h I-. -Bitih, Ow. S. i:&nti. Wm. IF Kwc, .Net. IV. CliTton, Abraham II. Cjbhod, t-ranL 1. Tajler. , frprwer CMwen( I'Mlo T. Fareirer.a. 1U Moit-.. Hkhinl VT. Yeanff, Ilesix A- VToolley. It is orga.7iI ami Heady for Uasine. It' loaUlon Is nt So. W) Main Street. It tractaiifBl ItinViiig Htislnet. It j S jr cent. ouS?ivin Depose It atitt our bosinew. SPORllie ill ATTENTION! WarwicV Higii Grado Safoty Bicycle. S135.00. Safety Bicycles. SI35.00. SllG.OO. S75.00, $60.00, S40.00, S35.00. S25 OO. Tricycles and Velocipedes. Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition. Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Strops. Butcher Knivos, Horse and Toilet Clippers. Fishing Tackle. Tents, Baso Ball Goods. Agent for Caligraph Writing Machine, Carbons, Ribbons and Paper Dog Collars, Playing Cards, Pokor Checks, Etc LAJJGEssX STOCK :ind LOAVKST PRICE? SHOT GUNS AT COST. J3-Erpitlrlnc All Itranrbrt. MB TT.fF A "KfO 22-24 W. Second South Street, . iW. i V iiN W5 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. DEALERS, COKSULT YOUR I5TEREST BY GETTISG HY PRICES! "Early Breakfast" FOR COAL OR WOOD. AlWTe cut repres?nH cmr "ElKLY BREAUFAST' pith Sit Holes and I'orltMc Enamrlfd C'ppfr lit wrvolr, Heavier tnan the Heaviest. Better than the Best. the nosr toni'i.irri: ntii: u the ns. rCI.TIIi IN LIEUT KEsri.t-r Tlie Utah Stove & Hardware Co.. 39&41 E. First South St CORTICELL1 SPOOL SILK, BfB.Eafesidgnlginj.Jfjpagini AHD KNITTING SIS-K Florence Silk Underwear, FILOSELLE, HOSIERY AND KNITTI.N'G SII.K ARE SUrFRB GORTICELLI SILK MILLS irottotal M yeftrt kjco.) THE CBEATZST IN THE WORLD. Citoroeia: S. 40S 5. EroULj, Lrzlt. CH.siarsOj, i;t. NONOTUCK SILK CO.. :l'" c cnl. In Sump, far IUalr4 -ieII3 WorU." GEO. DUNFORD, THE PIONEER EOOT & SHOE HOUSE, No. 66 E., First South St., Opposite Salt Lake Theatre. In PRICES, Quality Consldorod, wo are Never Undersold. Under-sold. If you would have the Best Boots and Shoes, at Lowest Prices BE SURE TO LOOK FOR NAME AND NUMBER. ceisiLoquE of- publications of te Cburqh of Jesus Qhrist of Cattr-day 5aiits. For 5a! by tt DESEIE5.-.EUS.-.-;0. Hook or Morion. Am aei-oat frf ISe tneitfet iDkaUlftvl of tb .amui GmtUftrat.wnLlen by tLr- hxnil or Mor am aiMM, puic lake a iron tb plates of Nepal, fnuaa kear Msrbettr iNiU,lol,..ctr York, ssd lratalfil hf ib llssjibet JiMroh -Mk J l.llt. :. lab Korl.Siiv. S nil i:oas.il. lull IntrM-r. cRlxr,-, , I iU ttis, esibosted. ft t llcoU r iSortn-iM. iLaore rnot) lomsM, rrt CSX J..-J. Iitber, i.ilt, Ceo. (vUm-.s-. clots. Jlti ISaclrlne nnl f OTrnanls of tbe Clrareb or Jetj Cbrijt of Ijuirrar nalat. rmlainlBj; t e U, c. 1st on. (ntea to J. pb smiUi. Jr , Ihc ITupbet. tor lb kulltlimje a, or lbs Hisgonn of t.ol in IH Im U- l.ilt. J-tJ. Salt Hork, SIM. -ll l:o.. n.;i. roll lettber rmooascl. f I V, IdU Ctotl,, eahft.l, Penrl or t'rrnt Irlee. A cbolrs iler Uon Iron tbe Iteti-Ubcot. tii!om aiKl NanalSMM of Jovepb -mltb,a..l Iroobsc, Scr xv 1errlator of Ike Ubarcb of Jca. Carat . f lju.rd.y Ssmtt. MoroT. llllt. II O, Ialbrr, OilI.ll.Ul UoaD.T.V , llolh.embaMrOa ICej lo ,r Science nfTtiroloTT. IK-shnel IK-shnel ss aa la rocaruna to tar Ftnt !Ylcri,tc of sptrlloat railOMHbr. Ke hmoo, Uvann ixiTernaMnt.as Uctlr rrodbf Ike AnrtVal,and as Kettorel hi IMs are lor lks? float fSerebifHoeat of aatrerval ji. trfilb sail LaowSsre. Bt I ar'7 I' l-Rlt Fell Koaa. era bo-iea. -3e. . lollt-Urh.rmlKX rd. ioc lotceof tlortilns. Aa in'rooarlmn to the I alia anil liortrtae of the Cbtavfe a! Jttna ratt.t or feller day stau. t:r I'arSsT r l-tau. uH lloan. rtaboMcd, s c . I"all Cloth. cibSouciI.-sc sencers rollers. lthiLJUar the aoa roBiaxit doetriaot of tbe Cbarcb of Jejut Cbnst of Lallerdar saiou. bj-tlroa bj-tlroa Steaeer A llto Kbich 1 aim, aHiimbtaLeUM-oa Pattiardiat Older, la teplr to I' f H'T W iM ir Croitet. t t . Bo, too. Wats. Fall lusta. eatUMeJ, ILM. laItOlolh,cmboMel,;se, IlTmn rtook t'ltuteeath Edition. Fall INvtn.T-. . Leather, utraflaltb. tl., Inllltltitr.JI w. LeiUr,(Wt,J:M (ileehlsnl Tor ( hlltlreii. Eiblhitinc tbe i roiauifstt (b traes nfLbeCbarcb of Jesaa Chrttt or LaUertarsaiau. Hr Joha Jaquet. I ea ber.tcr .CkHb.SSc. lAkrda.-aie., Sua Cvrer. lie. Pos lite Rlbfe Manellon l'oIjsnmTT IHaecMloa between Urnia rratt aad Lfr j; l-. .c iwin. ihapMa or lb II. a seaate.lovaieb It also adde-t Three ItcoBies on Ceettjt Mamsee.de brered kr Orioa lnuu Oeo.A.Smllh sad Geo. 1 Caaaon. "30. I'orms. I eltalrsj., Ill.tt eal Bad rollli. eal nrElusLkaov ol. Lettber. ll rs. loi : Cloth II ro. I ou I, Clih, (.Ul, r. . oL 1, Una, - Or. Hnrp of 7lon. IVwrns br Jotta Ljoa. Lioth.GIIUTSc Clotb.Me Irnr or Jabllrt. Dueonrses dcltterot at. aad reoeral rroeeedur f Ibe Fiftiolb Aaaaal Co&fereace. lie, X lletleir &T the deeiitsa of taeSarretse Coart of the I'aif ed states is the Iter aotda cae. llj- t,ro-ro tlCasaoa la tbta eomprebeaaire luuo vork. ibe leiril. relKloaa and ts1 neat ata-ra of thl not hie teet potjiraaiTeatei from tbo auadpoiBt or a Jatter-dtr saint Boat a"ilr and elesrtv ettlMIfi Latler-ilay SAlnfs' l-jtalmodr. Ijper UoTered Coards, Cloth User, t LAO each, SlCtk per dez. . C oth round. (LSI each. 117 IH per doz., elolb and I catker Inland. SITS eaca. Ileal per det. ll teat br sail, 1? centa per copr addl tioaal. nook uf Ibraham. nrGeorre Rereoldj V ronipeotllum of tV doetrtaa of tbe Uoicel. bv Fraailtn 1. Klebarda sad Jaa. A lUUe. Laatber. Gilu 13 00, Lealber.ll SS, laltalloa Lttltor.tUl: eSoih. iim Hems on IVIesll-ootl. Dr rretHrnt JobnTajlsr. lie. rrlinart- Sipeaker. ??o. I. Itr tntzl E. Snow a aula. T.c. rrlmiry Kpeaker. No. C Jty EHza E. saawsoitli. Zre frlmarr irniin Itoole. Br ZUtx E. snoir -ertlb, Ue. Prlmarj- Tnno nook. Br ElUa R. faowtmito. I9c Ileserel Snnday Sehool rnlon Jtn.le nook. toe. , eliolr itnsle. Cc. Inirel or Ibe 1'ratrles: or. a bream of laarutnre. Brr. lMtatt. 10c. Tb Mormon question. Br John Taylor, ice. rllelrsrallh. KcrlUh (Itrre)tach. IK., KniluH. Hawaiian aadpaniia (tcaalD.caeh. '&. rollli Xromoflns: Series MX Vlrsl llisslon. Br Georre Q. Cannon. 22c. . SJIrlnsr nf Tenrls. Cocutalnx manrinteresnajrakefchea, XV. Leaves Krixn 31 Journal. Ilr WUIord IToodrcff. Be. Clems for iht Tonnr Talks. sketches of Persona! Lzpericnee-Ta. I rairnientsofEanerlenee. A Collection Col-lection of Skenheapy welt knon-u Antbore. 3. Ilebrr C Klmbaira Journal. "Ke. Eartx Scenes In Chnrrll History. tSe. Tlie f.lf artepM. Br Georre Q. .Scrap r niosraptij. lie. JJj lh of the Uanusrrlpl 1'ounil. Br (.eMfe. Beraolds. Sc. Itbors In the TkincyariJ. tie. Etrntrtil Nnrrallvrs. Se. Ilrliiful -ilslons. Uc. Miinnoii llnelrlne. Bf C W. Pcarote. Tlie Preeeplor. Br John Mchobwa. Be Tlnrtyntom nf Josepti stanillnc. Br Joan McnoUon. tsc Tbe t-Tinteli or Jrsnsetirlsl or La. Iirslaj Saints. By John Jaoise. MV. Tlie lli.ua or I'roilUenrr. Ilr J. II Ward. c. Bible Utirstlons anil Vuswers. Br I.. H. ?. smith. iSe The Mnrtirs. BrL.O Utlltlteld. SDe. Orson l'mlls Itorks. ?. Ijilla KnlshlS History. 3c, TIi Heroines .rloraionilom, tie. Cnspet llitlos,hjr. Br J. Il.Wtid, 73e, Hand ItooU or Itefei-enee. Mr. rtnTlVr xrnellre llnrl Mnrrlazr. ir IKtea JtrrWbuneT. "9e Are tleorisrnelr Ilr George Bernobif. Joteplt llie 2froitiel. A lent of eaef tioa. aad Aaawera. lac. TLe --JJiiiiiitcrlpI roiintl.- (3pau'd- iit 'lory). 1'in-er. tsc, ctota. ue.; leatber.uilt. its. Tbe.MnJrrn I'ropbrl. liy John Nknol a.,n. r Doelrlnes of tbeCbarrh of Jetua Chritt orLtllrr da slcl.HyJo&nilentan.Sr. Tli- I'Inn or Saltation. Br Joha Morjtsa. Se. Cxnluenl tlplnlons on tbe yfor- uon" Ifnrstlon. Sc. IIilTMinssorurral Joy. By Georre Teajdale. re. i:rstoralto of llie rserlastln- (los- 11. By cicorjre Teasdale. 1c. The Uospel I'ionert-. Br Win. JeSer- Ka. V lUpll.iu for tlie Kemlsslon of sins. sc. Is llaplLsm Issrnllal la Snltsllu? Inlrinperanee. Ze V "aulcefruni theMoanlnlns. tte. Theltesnrn-ellun. By President Brlz-ham Brlz-ham Tl vnair. :c Piih'lr Iilsrnsslon tetnecn Rer. K.J. Hartley aad IJaer bea. LL. Itieb. JSe. The Tenni-ssee yiassacre and Its tausts. Lecture by Joaa Meaotoea. lli.lde lo Salt i.i.e ily anil lis En Hems r Chnrrll History. Br tbe t'oobeiJotcphsautb. It Snu.Lij- Seliol lllalozuesauil lleel ttlliuiiv. ii,I, Se Has tlurla loruion.ClotbtGeraiaai. l.ibro !l- Mcrmou (-paaUh). Cloth an, Boaa. 3LS, Cair.HJ. Vorseco l.ilt.l;.7v. Lltr!r TSortuon :rreaebl. t'aper.SI Jlormnii Itoc; cbaaieh), Clotb, Ilea, rorbuuitrls lln. (Mredjabl.Ctetb. It l. leather. 1 1 "j. Ile l.o.lllrlie IVrle (l.e man). Cloth. Sft Dm Kmlelise Perle (Oaabb).Se. Trstaturtits, He., Me, Skr. aililis. In Ttarloilsftlylrs. ltojias. liea.ty Kererenees. seilrtare test ar larrd la saSieeliTC orde-. srtlh bitton eal aotes lie.. 15c, sor aad JI.M, ae ri dlax to Srtodiaff i.rriunn 11 iuu Itook. Clotb. Has). Ilrserrt Meekly, Vol. M. Half Calf. MM. Journal or ni.rourses. ToSa.s tt . Hal: Calf. earh.JlV 'Milennial Star. ol. li, U. II, IJ. Is IT, l t. rj.li. I.MU. Sitndny helitml Hymn Xook, Clotb, 3Se Tjp 1.1 Ti- of llflwr f. Klmhill. By roo K It btiney. t ins stlk clotb. mtb sold ile and bark ataaip. H30. II .if Morocco, tnib ruld i ,e and back auaop. Cta. Leather, with aohl side aad hack atamp. ailt edaea. II.UO. 1 all Mnro-co.B lib rold asle aad back taa,p (Tiledr.. Iu.1. r.imlly Iteeortts. aaeb a. ate nsed in LirtB, wanll aad St. eeor Tes,pe. Iisvre.fl.rt, :Qolre.rii, Kju.rea. .'0. t inures, Jta. tnst yleellnr Iteeoisl. i qairea,$ruil, 3-rnlirs.ti 30. lttosil ttnn.menl. By C. V. P. arose. Ktslaialaa; tbedoetnaoa, uaderst.oi?, byLaiiei-day alnu. tse. first Hook ror Our Little I'rlrmls. 1 or ttsa of aandi.y sebooia loe. Seranil lUokforUor Little I'rirmts. Sac Uook or ;f rnton (ntrebUst He. True ts. false Itrll;lon. By Ik K. Kieh. Sc. k Keplv lo -The Mormon I'nrca. lory." Tr The Life or Joseph stnllli. Iforoeeo. t.i.t. 5iW: Leather. t.UI. HJ. Clth.tUtf (tlolee Mrsillu;. nil. I Rerllalioiis. Amagrd St J. IL PaL te Trim Klrtlani! lo Ssll ljl.r. By Ja. Ijitle (lllsur.le-L) leather. I tlra l.ill, IL. Leather. I. ill, o, Llolb. l-i. Torly lean limn; Hie- Imlinns. Ialaer. i.m, aa.cn. Leather, jo. loib.l'aa. I.rll-all-i rlllnss or . r. Illiltney Moroeeo, Lxa-t Itllt. SUV. Leather. l.llt, KOS.Cljtli. n.;o Slorj of the Hoot, of llorium,. Iatber.f.Ut.SIM. Half Lealber. Call. ruo. CSMh.HM Iiuiiroteaienl AssocZallon sons liook. He. I he Lire anal Labors of Kilts U. Snotr smitti, witb a fall account of brr faatra terriers. Uc The sl-ns r the Times. By Cote It Smith. TV Snlnls nmt Sinners. By PhO. RoUn aoa. Te. The Foil or llie Ore-it Itrpubllr. Br Sir Hcary auadiab Coveraa e. tie. 1 Trrallrseon tlie Horsnand liu IHt ram. Kacnsb aat DerSMR.) Br Dr. R j. keadad. t Laws r I lab. ls,i. ie-sUwr. tut Paper. Slaa. Jttuii .'Aiiexl lo any jtarl of (he Umletl Stale on Knetitof JYtee. CHICHESC-.-i, EHCU5 I pe:,:ysoyal pu.ls I U J? 4m. ( fcr tfVksaaakWIKrab-t. V fP -aaKtWft llatbtWUrff.lr J7,A rvt.raM.alt. -ALT LAKS CITT. (CALIFORNIA BREWERY. LAGER BSSR, ALE aai PORTER, s solesale and ItrtalL ireoxs tocrit srazrr. Toasx dooki KaaT moM utia srerxr. Graefesiberg a 9 Cun lasasW a These PIFiTaS act with Ijrent miltlncsi. ami iiiay lie taken at any Unto with benefit. Thoy euro all forms of Malarial Diseases and Fevers, Fe-vers, ami should be used to stimulate the Iiivcr and Kitlncj.sto health' action. They aro invaltiablo for Headache, Itillioucnc's and Iiowol Complaints. S0LDETeBDECISTS;2.tEnsKlilL C.IS.1FS'RER CIIILDREiVS PiXICEl. Best Medicine for Children. SO cents per botftlc. OR AEEENBERG CO, 111 Chambers St., N. Y. , . t'jM NO. G6 MAYS STREET , fWA .. for Mml "ESTATE r'l ' PEOPEETISS TO SUIT ALL! ij;l Lots from $65.00 Up. , fM ill Lofc on .Capitol ML ' ' II Ms near Denver Depot. I - . Lots near Liberty Park. ' aaaaaaai ' ' ! I TO THOSE DESIRING TO KB WE WILL MAKE '! H fflffi iff. BUSY I 1 m HI kip M,i Jok M, -i m M. On, ijjl Teas del's. Fj Hew Goods! Spring ArriyaisI . ;Jl IN ALL TIIE ATTRACTIONS OF ! 'H NEW STYLES ,1 DRESS GOODS, ' -i LADIES' STRAW HATS, : PARASOLS, nl lJL.O!rV13Iil;. ETC., lITCJ.; ;B AlJit A FCLI. LIE Or BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, Jjl Men's and Yontlis' Hats, Caps, Etc. . ? jjB GEiMUINE BARGAINS! Fair Dealing and Good Goods Rl LOW - PEICSS, I At TEASDEL'S. u l. jl JSTOTIOIS.' If! 1 puWt that wo n rere to tty. So oy. f oLwE S abo tvUf , wlin tb iUtKmrT bsUtaM m M b Mm ' I IH J'tr-wi.w! j can al aariktaff 1b m. M t Bl I SH ) Xnec. luv w -oiupln Mock t V bJX f B bit. XBSk. belt. kWBO lt, t4fi BMftklsW. pt. lk-. I tZdW wnliiMf pmftr. llttrH X CTS-mV in alr-f. o I jEHf 4?tw- b-iry. sr&si tgpiiM-. pewdi, p, p. Mai I jJWS rt-t km bmkru. ubV ieaMt.fsni4Pt Hi,wtliii I nFf iHrs.cHrd.UA-kkWMskaf.bkX. rj ui -Nfalii4 aIe- I 4 alffandreftif. Call awl tiaa-iM or lck al rrio fiJaH tefera Ia jtbfc ilNwWit. , -HfcWr iVlARGETTS BROS., ' 5 ' L Society Stationers, i B 70 A Main Street, Natl Lake City. H FURNITURE,' 1 CAJiPETS, Ifiii WALL PAPER3 - caSoRtnmEn?e IB Baby. -. Carriag-es HI p.wSdse'n1 . 1 FUBLInTTJRE STORE, tJlH No. 61 and 53 East. FIRST SOUTH STREET. nffl |