Show f OPPOSING ROMASISM 11 Agitation for the Complete Severance Sever-ance of Church anil Stile DISFRANCHISEMCNT or ALL CATriOLICS ADVOCATED The Declaration Abonl the Hn prcraaey of be IontlrrSr sorely Scored er Boston March 24The committee commit-tee of 100 which its Protestant organization or-ganization with headquarters at Boston lor the protection of the public pub-lic schools against the attacks of the Catholic clergy will issue net week a review of the last encyclical letter of the Pope comparing it with other Catholic utterances upon the same subjectthe relation lmo tte rhton cf church and state I mokes many quotations from this letter and establishes tablishes the point that the Church of Rome demands the allegiance cf its members above all civil authority authori-ty From that point I goes on tour to-ur the requirement of a new test for citizenship one which will debar de-bar every person who ones allegiance allegi-ance to any authority before that ol the government of the country Some of tie points of the forthcoming forthcom-ing pamphlet areas follows The last encyclical of L XIII r issued in llome Jan 10 last and treat ol the civil duties of Catholics One of the declarations of the Pox istliU But If tbelami ofjne ttatt arc in open contradiction with UH divine law If they command any thing prejudicial to the church 01 are hostile to the duties imposed b3 religion or violate in tie Inn 01 thu supreme pontiu the authority Jesus Christ then Indeed It I a duty to resist them and a crime tc obey them a crime fraught with Injury t the state itself As I ctmimentiry on this is quoted the el sermon n vicarGeneral Byrne ol the Boston diocese reached here March 1C lEa explaining tills encyclical en-cyclical and asserting that the Ca tholica areloal to our government Xo doubt there are times when the tme te state demands of usa Hue conduct manifest coutriry to the dictate of our religion 1 his only happen when the civil rulers for the time being overstep their true sphere or trick to make the sacred IIOWCT ol the church subservient to their ou Lends L-ends The good citizen will refuse fus to obey the Immoral com rrnuJ of the state and peaceful accept the penal The lo phlttthen says Pore have ule elated the lawsof nations null anu void and absolved Romanists from allegiance to such governments Our readers can not have forgottci how thu luntilT took upon hirnsell 10 1SS3 to declare null and void the taws of New Granada In ISM tilt laws of Mexico In 1S55 the lawn 01 sirdiiiii in the tamo ear the laws of Spain and the Lows of Piedmont in IbU hue laws of Austria and in f lb every case the laws uhlch he proclaimed pro-claimed null are essential parts 01 the American constitution anti ol our common law Shortly after the present < ontllt recovered from lib illnts in IsSJ after eMablMiIng all the privileges and ImmunitIes ol llltbe t thu Jesuitic he Issued a papal decree de-cree iu which occurred this sn tenet The judicial functionaries must refueu obedience to the state and t ttil laws of the count t olilch are In coctnidktiou wit Roman Catholic precepts What 1 this but preaching downright relielllon not only In Italy so hen it means civil war but In every rauntry where Roman Cathollo hold any udleinl function Tlu re Is I quoted the declaration hJ Vicar General Pmton In Neso York letUf over a year ago whlli ou the wiliic sttan < J In court when n knl If the Roman CatlioIIcs must uubey thiIr holwrhht or wrong They must obey right or wrong The same man In a sermon fn J ew York Jan 1 165 said Eer word vlikh Ico rpeaks frcin hit f l tilijh chair is the voice of lie Mel Ghost and must b obeyed To every Catholic heart cones no thought but oliedience It is rail hat wllUcs I nut within the province prov-ince of the church and that tin church has only jurisdiction In mat tots of full You say < I will r ceixo my faith from the pontiff butt but-t will not receive my politics from him This assertion Is disloyal and untruthful You must not think D you choose you mu > t think as Cat ull j The man who Ny1 will take my faith from Peter but I will not take niy politics from Peter Is i not a true Catholic I riic nircllcal Is further quoted to tills tlRet In politics which k Inseparabl bound up with the laws of morality an reltglousilutlesmeu hulit alnaysaud iu the first place to re as far as possible the inter i > U of Catliolicitai As soon as Uie tire sten t be In dangtr all duller cutes fhoulj Cease between Catho lt Since the fateof States depend irlncialy on the di > i > o Ition ol those who are at the head of the goerununt the church cannot grant its I patronage or favor to men whom I knows to let I hostile tit > t-it who openly refuse to respect Its right who eeck t bleak the alliance v labll h < > by the nature of thing between religious iuteresUand the InU rusts ut civil order Commenting this and onslml 1 quotations from the encyclical the pamphlet save IL Is the tUI ol eer good Romauls in whatever what-ever land he may dwell toobey thi voice of the Pott as pretended vicegerent lt gerent of ool in preference to h commands of earthly rulers The oath embodied in the pmft > Ion ol faith docs not diller greatly iu tin material point cf allegiance from that taken in the Mormon endow meut house hlch the courts have recently derided renders those who take It incapable of naturalization Here i Is as decided by the Romlh council at Baltimore In ISSj I uj acknowledge the Holy Catholic Catho-lic and Apostolic Roman Church af the mother and mistress of all churches and I pledge and sweat true obedience to the Human pan tr vicar 1 of Jems Christ and Fe crvor of hot bleseed Peter prince ol the Apostle Tin re Is nothing reserved nr cxce lion Is made of allegiance tt the government under which the person it ho ha akin lila oath nia > live and In the wldo < cld of con fllcting sovereignty the duty to obey the Poiie is I imper rlive and abeolult over the duty to obey the live This doctrine of supreme JuriMllc l lon over all earthly powers and law s Is i doctrine the pe church In AmerIca lisa always taught us it holds the state to be an inferior court receiving Itt Authority from the church and liable to have its decrees de-crees reversed on appeal and that In the ra e of conlllcUmr laws between be-tween tile two powers tbe law of the church must prevail over the state While the state has right she has them only In virtue and by permission nl this tuperiorauthority and that authority can only lie ex cl prw ed thrcucli the church f Cardinal Manning Is quoted in Donahoef llagadnc for December 1SSS as saying It Is I nn obhiratlon 10 obey the civil ruler but if the civil ruler shall make a law hostile to faith we must then be Catholics first and citizens afterward Following Fol-lowing Its declaration of the doctrine doc-trine of the Catholic Church end its citations cf authorities far Its position the pamphlet then goes on to lake the radical ground of proposing franclilse ment of Catholics who acknowledge their first allegiance to be to their church rather than theirconntry t I Tills proposition Is remarkable because be-cause in Jut committee of 100 arc some of the leading citizens of Boston Bos-ton and It cannot be presumed that they would permit hula document to gp out without their rireful consideration consid-eration The pamphlet says We have no hesitation In affirming affirm-ing that tbe oath allegiance to our government taken ly Romanlste and bv which they have obtained the rights of the ballot citizenship and office amounts to nothing if they are good nomani tsrand hm 30 binding obligaUon where the interests In-terests of the church or the pontiff pquireUto be disregarded Pour having thus spoken and the position of RonjanILs in this country being clearly established what Is to be done If the American people do not propose to surrender to the papal church their sovereignty their honor and their rights and undo what their fathers secured through he sacrifices of tile revolution then something will have to be done and that speedily We do not hesitate to say as a measure meas-ure for the nations protection that no man who professes allegiance I to the pontiff should be allowed to participate as a citizen In I either I ISiI t I holding an office or casting a ballot he United States Supreme Court has decided that Uie law of one of 1 our States disfranchising Mormou > bbl I > 5 constitutional on the theory that the man who takes the oath the Mormons are required to take cannot can-not be a gw citizen Why should not this principle be applied to those who confers allegiance to the Intel hierarchy How much longer will this flagrant 10laUon cltliemhip be permitted In America Is it not high time for the nation to decide which Is supreme the church or the state to which citizens I owe allegl CJ nsdallW inct How long would tie nation allow oneeighth of her population to enjoy all the rigliU and privileges cf American Am-erican citizenship while owning allegiance to any other foreign power say Austria or RussIa Wby permIt this to be done with those who own allegiance to the pontiff Ir nom 1 Why should the privll egos uf citizenship be extended to men who not only not uphalJ American insUtuUons but who en ledorto drive lisa who uphold them away from such allegiance trough fear of eternal damnation 0 5 0 LietllomankU who would necoine citIzens of the United I I D IW J u Jiu oath of allegiance to tIe government gov-ernment but to take an oath alto re loiinelug all allegiance to the pore Rome This Is net a question ol religious Intolerance nor Is it one antagonism to fbrtigmn who art willing to homologate with us In accord ac-cord with Uie spirit of mr Institutions Institu-tions We would not cut down by I single tjnn the fptendld proportions propor-tions of national freedom we woalJ not abridge the lIberty of party Individual But this Is a lueation of telf I iirotection and self 1 It preservation and the law of self jrescrvatlon is Mipreuie In all social and polltlci organllitlous We would I gulrd and i reserve our liberty J en J city from the hanun 7 hate and the lifnulU of foes RomanUmis political system is a political itower Asapoltlcal fowerit must be suit as ajiolitlcal orcu it must to treated when viewed lu relation to our itiftltutloni It lOtS not make any difference whether the political pou cr that at ails our Institutions li I on the shores of the Baltic on the chores the British channel or on the hon of tile Tilr It must bIllet b-Illet We can hae no divided citIzenshIp No man should be alloneil 1 to participate in the lout cal affairs of thin country who if he culject or ally of a foreign power that Is at war with her national na-tional lu tllutou Xo ballot for the man who takes his politics from tile Vatican There Is more of Uio Fame sort if appeal Thu committee will have 100000 copies of the pamphlet printed and will give It a wide Jrculatlou for which they have impc > means Otttago lima Vttrcft 2A |