Show nlu1 3ufmiercrbTrimeil Omi I IIEIIXKOSTE raFcb LWin Setly JIopUMIjyayjflnguJ hero this injrulns fur the inurilcr of his wIfe untl niotlitrIUIaiv I 11 Jw When Limb frfy m rill the first rope hrokoantf tbp condemned man rp agaIn fefodnl i ftp The drop c oucccsfuIlytbu second time TIle lme for vhIM Hojklns paid the erulty I wjaWnd ofiliu not unfee ng ever cnrifiUIcin IlopUns was it years olij TiS ff he married Mangle Wdguiian For a year they unti IiaprllyMitiropMiw became jialotis < n h I i i1Oj his wIfe ulio rtturuI JicrrL on Sent SOU IOnS JIo wtlit 1 o the Wageman Vagemat 1 1 wo futl ioIlbU3lvly shot both hits wIfe mimI hiSr nlalliur dead Then running from l the liiliio he stopped lu the strIct amiJInil two hot nt I kit own JiKiJ but only tucctttlctl In I luUktlu 1 d Uruyojid IJlil VDEtnirA t ZiJacoh I S1mcostmmt Titummoits J Colenere Liuged ty etier lu 3Ioyaa > eu iu prison tte lnorniug Sclioop wa biLKtdfor Hit murder 1 tl r er of Auto Schilling and Colo for the inunit r of Walter MCAIlfituc muner dB wer CoUtJooJed |