Show NECESSITY KOK CAKE Excenroxs haws been taken to r our oriliefiai puhliFhtti on Monday en portions of the draftof pruposed health ordinance prepared l ucdir the aupices ef the Chamber cf Commerce The JJcws article fhowtJ tocnr thinking that certain cer-tain conspicuous and important provisionsare impracticable Because wo are not willing fo swallow ithclbftd eyi the prescription pre-scription of the fnraicrs of the health ordinancewe arc characteriiet sominy words 03 opj ted to the adopton of needed sanitary measures meas-ures for this city It does not np pear that we are under any obligation obliga-tion to pronounce a thing as good that in Judgment is the revir and do not intend doing itauyn ay It > is lgWtlta81 li measure shoulJ Ixj accepted for the reason that it was framed bcnbe phji ciaus It surely will not he claimed um because a man is ncapablo MD he nezefsirily possesses the qualifications qualifi-cations of a legislator or that becaUse be-cause ho can con truci a prescrip tion that ho can formulate a law I granted i however that hei i9 likely like-ly to be able to make many valuable HJggtttions in relation to sanitation but be is liabejto make others that are useless I < ecaa e3iiipraclicabe Smie people rcem to i S11 pple rm imagine from the fto jwltlons they ayume Uiai mo merit ol I measure dej eiidr on wild products I lipteal of its own intrinsic value Wo have no perrons rtflt clious to cast ujion the forrauIaOsoftbeprjpo eJ ordinance but we do qiieUiSn IbV valusof I the thing itselfor rather portion prtion of It there beiri JjoubtiecS a great del of good in It i Our only olject in treatini upon the proposed measure to subserve the public wejil JU1 h desirable the that the City Councll should scan elaborate japer with great care that they i may not by ill ad vised work rBace thuuM lvnand the people in undesirable position I posi-tion p iTo ionTo To how the Titsed cf the mea ure beIng carefully scrutinized and placed In proper shape Section 3 may be cited tft gives b ct tl sil directions to the coroner nqulricg him to perform certain net I appears IIpr to have JT bon ovctluokeil that the coroner is a county ofilccr and not an officer of the municipality and I that as a consequence the city ear cr not prory direct him dln 11m Jn the per formance of hbulutics He pr hIdutc le is offi the dolly municipal outside the jurisdiction a of i munlcljl corporation His duties are prescribed by statute and he I no more amenable to the city authorities than lsv the Probate Judge Ytt wear almost nccueed of treading on sacred ground lecausc of having Intimated that an ordinance formulated under the auspices uf the Chamber of Commerce Com-merce Instead of by the merIns city Attojr uey and his associates J not what Houg > to b |