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Show Wasatck Coixrv. llishop A brain Match, of lleber .City, called this morning. Me Is in this city to attend tho J present aos-slou aos-slou of the Legislature. Ho gave us the following jottings in relation t matters aud things in his Iiioetso: There is no snow in l'rovo Vallev. M.mv f the brethren are lumbering successfully this winter. A first-c'.sssj saw mill has bceii built in Lake Kanyon by J. Witt. Three free schools havo been established aud are in successful operation. . Two new school-houses havo laiely been built, one of Which is a substantial" rock structure. Two bridges are in course of erection across the Provo Hi ver. A large field is being taken up in tho vicinitvof lleber I'ity. A water diU'h, tV ur mile's in length, is being taken from the l'rovo to supply this tield withater. '1 here is an excellent opportunity for a few families to locate there; it is only forty-o no miles from Salt Lake City. Union and good feelings prevail pre-vail throughout the count v. |