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Show Arbor Day Set For Glean Up Day Ha) or Greenwood AihlsPN People to Clean Up at Once, and Stale Ins tor, Frank Jorilniio Issues Orders Compelling Some to Take (Julek Action, Ac-tion, Mr. Frank Jordon, special representative represen-tative of tho Stato Hoard of Health was In Amorlcnn Fork Monday, a with tho City Marshal made a genon Inspection of tho town. Ileferrli., conditions generally, ho said that tin city was in a fair condition in a mini, tary way, and with hut llttlo worl eoulil bo mado ono of the most health ful cities In tho stato. Ho, however found sovcral bad outhousea and cot nils, and gave tho owners ton days notice to clean up. Ho iiIbo remarked that mnny of tho fences should bo r paired, which would materially t to the looks of tho city. Tho city health board Is aUo taking tak-ing a hand ln matters, nud recoir mends that tho citizens follow tho suggestions sug-gestions of Inspector Jordon in. make this tho clean town of tho atai for 191C. Following Is tho text of tho Mny-or'a Mny-or'a orders: To tho People of American i-orn: Tho tlmo has now come when our citizens should clean up their premises, prem-ises, both for tho soko of health and for tho purpose of making American Fork "Tho City Henutlful," Without delay, I recommend that all thu outhouses out-houses bo thoroughly denned and made sanitary ngulnt the breeding of flics, nnd that all corrals ho cleaned out and kept clean, thus reducing Hi a minimum tho breeding places of riles. Tho front yards nud lawns should bo put Into condition at once, and all tho refuso In tho back yards should bo raked up and burned or hauled away to the city's dumping vords. Fencoa should bo put In re-pnlr, re-pnlr, and In ninny eases now ones built. A liberal uso of paint would niso help In tho desired transformation. transforma-tion. AH this Bhould bo done preparatory prepar-atory to tho annual olean up day, hleh I havo hereby set ror Arbor Day. At this tlmo tho city will provide pro-vide means for hauling away all the I sarbngo that the owners cannot tako away themselves. EAllL S. GREENWOOD, Mayor. |