Show iphy it wants clah the southern pacific railway wants a united states senator or two from utah very badly for at the coming session of congress the pacific rail-road funding bill will ha resurrected end it means millions to the great pacific coast ooccttoapuss how the southern pacific operates in the legislative affairs of the na-tion is well the camons bolton letter copies of which avea been aalt na from 1873 to his death some seven years later david D bolton held a fifth interest in the southern pacific management while interested in the business of the road the great magnate 0 P huntington of the southern pacific wrote him a great many letters from new york these were preserved and came out in a great suit after cCoolllttoonnss death wherein the southern people were trying to rub the widow of her interest in the road hare is a eam ale of the letters nsaw march COLTON scott is prepared to pay or promises to pay a lorge amount of money to pass his bill but I1 do not think be can pass it I1 think this comin congress will be of the set of men ever pot to and that the d only knows what they will do with that opening of congress it is not to read in another letter from mr huntington what he believes be could do with that con-gress it costs money he says to fix things BO that 1 isnow his scotts bill would nofa pass I1 believe with can pass cur bill but 1 take it that it is not worth that much to ns the letters show that the bouthern pacific worked then as much if not more with democrats R with republicans for they have nnaannyy southern legislators on tha list in one letter sir says friend colton I1 gave a letter to sen-ator conover of florida he is a good fellow enough and our friend after he is convinced wo are right he does not bbate what it took to convince him in the following let-ter however mr huntington numea p probable cost to convince ern members nos now york july 26 fjaeril colton rhava been work-ing ffoorrtthhee last two month s to get a party of say twenty five southern mem-bers of congress to go out to california and over the lines of the S P and see what we have done and our ability to do of course I1 want no one to go ex-cept the best men of the south men that will go for the right as they understand it and not as tom scott or somebody else understands it I1 told senator gordon of georgia if he could get up a party of the beet men of the south we would pay all expenses which I1 suppose would not be leas than and I1 think it would bo amonoy well spent and not only with congress has this great and corrupt ccoorrppoorraatitoion been operating but with western legislatures as well when building ing through arizona mr huntington wrote can you have safford governor call the legislature together and grant such charters as we want at a cost of say and that is a sample of southern pacific work do the people of utah want it to capture one of the senators of the new state hardly they will simply turn a deaf ear to alie san francisco call and other corpor-ation newspapers gent liere in such large numbers in the interest of their senatorial light and when it comes to selecting men for the seste legis-lature the people we know will se-lect men above reproach ad-vice is given to both republicans and democrats because a corrupt cor-ppoorraattiioonn does not hesitate in using money on either side let name be untarnished with boodle |