Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings bherman jay circus band enlivened the town this afternoon your flour to the elite bakery in exchange for bread opposite post office THE A 0 smoot ingber yards went wheat eatn barley and corn in exchange for lumber doors sash etc A complete new is carried tf made auita at WOOLEN sl ILLS CO ALL kinda of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO and receipts carefully compounded at drug co f D L DEAN has opened a real estate A loan office in martins ban opposite the poet office FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly ny the popular grocers boagard Bo ahard chop house is the place exactly to gofa a good equale meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center street win oneila ON eilI paint 1 paint 1 ready dainta at warda 1 per gallon can and Moria eya company appear tonight at tha opera conae desiring unfurnished coomb would do well to call on lure snyder opposite opera house 1 w to feet of logs wanted immediately immediato ly G W mickel provo t D L haa somo fine improved farm in utah counte and choice resi denes properties in city listed for ale price and terms cheap mad anable office in martins bink b ink opposite poat office t pace choso whoso expected death was saturday died sunday morning at 1 a m the remains will una afternoon bo taken to salt lake for interment funeral vicea take place tomorrow forenoon FOR rent A six roomed house enquire 0 the A 0 smoot lumber co tf carry all the leading brands of flour at lowest growers and bee keepers can get their supplies at the lowest prices at goo W mill DEALERS in building material and contractors can cave money by sending choir orders for mill work to geo W mickela provo utah t mas josiah beck returned last evening from her to indiana the lady lis been absent about eix months and laid a moat enjoyably enjoy abla time among old friends and ai mrs beck e of course all are talking of utah go to the excelsior house opposite oora oo ra house on J for the best bad bpd and the beat meals in the city forget hat the grand fall open i i takes place sept at S S jones co tf go to flora for the beet ice cream arpad cakes ana candy opposite post office fall styles in dress goods are bamond description but you will enjoy the greatest pleasure in looking over ane many elegant deigna at S S company their opening takes place on sapt tf tas ladies republican league club of the second ward will meet at mrs M Y Mon ahana residence on wed the alth dinst at 8 p m A program on educational lines will be rendered interspersed with music and adonga M A till secretary go to G for homemade boots and shoes repairing neatly done d ear for fishing tackle at provo hardware and iron company t having barley r wheat tor eale can find a market by sending a sample to the utah county fruit and agricultural society F J covert tol JUST received a large and varied acock of cents ladies and childrens bbous at bed rock prices for baah call and be convinced 6 doors west of tay bior bros G choules d aw A democrat was convicted and fined tha other day in for stealing katr and now a petition ia being circulated asking the democratic city council to remit the fine citizens ara watching the outcome of this partisan move mrs S ai sell of pomona gal had the bad luck to abrain her ankle 1 I tried several liniments she aada but ws not cured until I 1 used chamberlains pain balm that remedy cured me nd I 1 take pleasure in recommending it and testifying to its efficacy abla medicine is also of great kalua for rheumatism lame back pains in the chest pleurisy and all deep seated and muscular for bale by smoot drag co ana comans womans association having been adjourned during primaries and conventions now resume their general work for franchise A meeting of the executive board convened conven eB on friday tha dinst at 2 p m in vestry of meeting house ladies of both political carlies are invited to attend apon a nonpartisan non partisan baaba to combine their efforts 4 for the securing of the ballot M A till chairman |