Show roberts should resign march 30 1895 BH roberts constitutional coren tion we must aik you to cease opposing woman or resign party pledges are sacred and must kept JOHN Q M chairman that has the right kind of ang party pledges are and be kept will find tin echo in all honest hearts honor and honesty in public life are essen-tial to taft welfare of conr republic and when a man iu office breaks faith with his constituency it is right that they should aek him to resign of laurse there is no way of forcing anch resignation auri air Rot erta may go on and appoo the platform on which be was elected but wo are glad 10 see hafl wide aake to the enault ha baa tt choya they have a keener sense of honor than democrats for it is common thing for democratic officials in other states to treat thair constituency as mr roberta is doing it jaw almost beckma a maxim of their party that platforms ara but to get in on here in utah we hope the people will set an example ot honor in politics that will sat to shame choso who regard lightly party pledges and applaud the boldness of men who break them in our estimation party are acred instruments they are contracts with the fablio wherein candidates agree to do certain things if elected when a man is elected to office on a certain platform and dar-ing tb campaign quietly accepts the platform aa mr roberts did he cer-tainly shows a lack of honor to op-pose that platform when in office certain newspapers apeland his boldness to us it appears akin to auch boldness as outlaws possess who differ with the rest of society and are not afraid to assert that dif-ference mr roberts certainly dif fera with his party in his opposition to cwoommaannss suffrage he has broken his bartys most sacred law its plat-form abara la nothing to commend in such conduct but there is much to censure |