Show CAUGHT THE PARSONS A displays his knowledge 01 abe bible abashed at nothing a commercial traveler in the south once propounded a question to a couple of clergymen whom he encountered on a railroad train which illustrates how easily a man may be tripped on a simple little catch problem the drummer entered into a conver-sation with the ministers and enter-tained them amazingly with his bril-liant conversation touching men and affairs gradually the topics changed until at last the talk was of dr tal-mage and his visit to the holy land speaking of the holy land said the graceless commercial man was was quite interested to read in a new york paper recently that a party oi explorers in palestine had discovered a huge heap of bones which from their size and quantity are supposed to be LT il killed they were found in a cave which had been closed for which accounts for their preservation indeed replied one of the clergy-men much interested 1I had not heard of it itis certainly a surprising discovery yes continued the drummer and oddly enough while nearly half of the bones arc bleached white the rest were as black as ebony remarkable ejaculated the clery man who had already spoken while the other looked at the drummer sus-piciously what is your theory he continued do you think it possible that the bleached bones could be of males and the black of females possibly more com-municattiivee clergyman 1 I am not an anatomist however and cant say what effects conff exposure has on the bones of the and yon persisted the drummer to the other what is your opinion do yon think it possible that the white bones belong to male infants and the black to females or vice versa that is the problem that now excites the dis-ccoovveerreerrss keally replied the other 1I dont know tout possibly as you first put it the white bones may be of the male children and the black of the female shortly after this the cclleerrgyymmeenn reached their destination and left the train enst as it was about moving off the drummer who had been chuckling to himself the meanwhile thrust into the hand of one a card upon which was written the words excuse me if you read your bibles hereafter with greater care had you done BO in the past you would have known that boy babies only were ordered slain by herod N Y herald |