Show SALE riison H dusenberry and margaret T dusenberry on the day of july executed ami delivered to the national building fe tion of salt lutee city their 2 promissory notes ona for the thousand dollars and one for the sum of tw dollars 2000 and on for the purpose of Be caring th liay ment of and the in thereon the said wilson BL and margaret Tl Dusen bei ry bis wife executed and delivered to H P mason trustee their certain trust following described property int the county lot utah of Utah act wita at the northwest north west corner of block twenty 29 plat B provo city running thence south one I 1 lod 1101 chains thease east j three 31 chabina thence north one and 1100 1 ilola chains thence west three chabina to the place of beginning haicl trust dadd was duly recorded in of the County recorder Be corder of butah counte coun tv utah on the elj and 1 said trust deed provided that m case oi default in the payment of said promissory notes or the interest premium or installments or any part then the said at once become dag and said i premises should be sold by the said or his successor in trust at public auction at the front door of the court bouguin Bou gein provo utah county or on said premises or any part thereof aa should be specified in the notice of such sale thirty days previous notice euca sale having been by publication once in each week erfour or four m ariy newspaper at published in the county of utah and has been made for more than six months in the ay menti of the notes aha aba legal holder of said note his ete acted to declare and lias declared the entire amount thereof due and holder of the said notes baa requested said chirp mason trustee as atoM eaid to proceed to aeu the aard property ursher hel authority biven by said trust deed la hereby given that I 1 H P mason trustee as aforesaid will on the fifth day of at 12 0 said day offer for sale at public auction at the front door of ana court house in provo utah county utah bidder thereof the said abaye described property for the purt of satisfying the amount due upon said promissory notes together with the interest thereon and the cost of ex aalde trust r t 0 W attorney for Tiu atee the cale 0 the property ib and postponed until monday the of 1894 at 12 noon H P MABON trustee TRUSTEES SAJE andrew eggertson Eggert gon on the day of may and de livered to the national boiking and loan of ba fiote for tha auni atil thousand tha day iora the adrose anil the payment 0 t wid note andl hib antar the dAndreW sen aa dArta executed and delivered to fl theira certain the prop eMy e d in and territory mt ft 2 seventy One 71 slat A pato point at bait from the corner of said lot two 2 and thence baat twenty seven 27 feet thence north ninety nine 99 feet tHence west twenty beyen 27 feet thence south ninety teet pluie of beginning together with a of way eight feet wide leading from the west side of said block along the north side of said lot two 2 which said trust deed waa duly recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah territory en the day of may 1893 and 1 said trust deed provided that in case of default in the said promissory note or the interest premium or installments or any part thereof then the eaid indebtedness indebted nesa should at once become due and said premises sh be bold by the said trustee or his in trust at public suction at the trout door of the court house in provo utah county utah territory or on said premised or any part thereof as should be specified in the notice of such eale thirty days previous notice of euch sale having been given by publication once in each wee lor four weeks in any newspaper aa published in the and default has been made for more than six months in the payment of the interest upon said note aa the lesal holder of said note hag elected declared the entire and the legal holder of the said note has requested the said H P mar eon trustee as afore said to proceed to sell the said property under the au given by said trust deed notice is hereby given that I 1 H P maeon trustee as aforesaid will on the fifon day of february 1894 at 12 noon of said day oner for sale t public auction at tha front door ai the court house in county utah and will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash all of the said above described premises for the purpose of satisfying the amount due upon said promissory note together with the interest thereon and tha cost of executing eaid trust HP MASON trustee awk MORSE theale of th abaye described property is continued and postponed until monday the dy of Feb 1891 at 12 noon H P trustee |