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Show lHr.j Sirs- Ellis Bird are '-:yiii a visit from their fitter, Mis. Tom O'Callahan " Sim Bird) and little daugh-" daugh-" i who nill visit here until Ee 5, from their home in ESlinPark, 111. Jieij Say ... Close relatives here from out-of out-of town to attend the funeral services for Warren Beardall on Friday of last week were: Patriarch Pat-riarch and Mrs. Eldred G. Smith, Berthena Childs, Myrtle Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Smith. Mrs. Helen S. Hufner, Mrs. Hjtuhi J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, Dr. and Mrs, Ralph Tingey, David Johnson, John-son, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gatherum Gath-erum all of Salt Lake City; Mark F. Smith of Denver; Mrs. John G. Smith of Pasadena; Mrs. Reginald Hunsaker of Tre-monton; Tre-monton; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raleigh of Logan; Mrs. Chester Stevens, Mrs. Blanch C. Jan-sen, Jan-sen, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Hansen and family all of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Elery E. Kelsey have just returned from a vacation va-cation in Nevada. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Kelsey in Deeth, Nevada; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allred and Mr. and Mrs. Vernile Gleave and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sexton in McGill and spent some time at Leamans Cave. |