Show general genera cottings jottings Jot tings de C B snyder dentist can be consulted darias the day in the first national ional bank building upstairs up stairs and aad at nm ht at ilia his reel residence dence two doors east of at first ward house GEO E HOWE IS SELLING 3 POUNDS OF FRESH FISH FOS FOR TEN CENTS 0 laxative pellets cure care constipation oysters at Fl einera ant aas lm im EMT basc beer in town at the besore Be sorS sort saloon tas cy cv c v y la is preparing to build abatt mania and place a bridge over the gap between the wagon and toor oridge bridge of 0 the factory race on ceasr beater street faasei oysters at sra restaurant either by th aa can or served to order IM i um ia broa co have received their tall fall goods ME celebrated whisky sky at the befort Bea re orv ort saloon 30 center st forusz and lot for sale will take team and wa raaon on on account apply to damuel bieske provo prove lod GEO E HOWE CARRIES A 41 FULL LINE OF GF PLAYING CARDS NOTE BOOKS AND GO AND SE SEE E HIS t itoga BEFORE YOU buy farmr washing 5 cente centa per pound at the fee troy stearn laundry of provo prove 1 farr bros co 0 o have received their cotton blankets full foil size up aa ALL A LL dem coons look auks to me melt ma Aoe linb tars stars C and stripes marches etc at provo music co of utah will be ba pleased to lea learn of newman bros broa making taylar bros co of this thin city their state agents taylor bros co stand aland at the head of the music trade and newman Bro shave an organ that is a credit to them and the local company will have bave no trouble HI shelling selling large quant ites of them hers la in utah old stand in the union brock block is ia bein being newly papered and painted boorey and wood will remove there thera from tha southworth block in a short time ame money to losa loan on improved imp royed city and tarm property so no mortgage tax for borrower to pay gall call on or address havercamp aco oo 00 of ti thiea ies provo city utah T era first warl ward believes in the tha proverb old men for counsel and young men mentor for war thomas thomae beesley has had experience and brig J J hnton to fa a bright young business bu sineas man both will make good councilmen tim preparatory tory or sub sab freshman class claar will begin in ia the brigham young academy Acau emy monday na november ember lat LA this class claar is ia especially intended inte eded for young men and yung young women advanced I 1 years and somewhat backward in ed education ift who desire to pursue special lines and obtain as aa much as po possible seible in a short time instructions will be given in arithmetic penmanship reading spelling gram grammar geography etc prof L E egbert en will have charge of 0 the class claar B cluff jr president ani E J JW W goddard has haa merited his hia reelection election re ra by his hia close attention to the affairs of office he has haa a sever never missed a council meeting or failed in a commit t te tae e report A C Soren Sore naori soo is ia a progressive gres sive young man that will make quite as aa good a record second warders vote tor for both of these men J M of ft tex tes says that when lie he has haa a spell 0 of in indigestion and feels bad and he takes two of dewitts DeWit Ca little early RI byis at ni night alit and he is ia all right the next nest morning many thonsa ot of otters do the eama thing do you yon smoot drug co ca unknown to the officers ceTa at least must have been celebrating halloman Hal lowan thirty or forty sates gates were taken from their hinges and placed in piles in the road horse homes a were taken from their stalls and tied in front of I 1 the tha houses both ot at the court house bouse gates were Itt lifted ted 11 the tha officers are ara investigating the tha malcer mat er tas mother cl clasa s is in the kinder Kinde tco gar tem department of the Briga Brig hialE aaa young academy wis will open G n next tuesa day at p in in the central baid ing is rocia all m nii in this baurse will pleass appy apply to mrs ballantyne at that time where of the corace will te given 3 cluff jr president toi G 0 TO GEO E HOWE FOR FOE FANCY ANY AJ A NY STAPLE GROCERIES FRESH oysters FISH fia AND GAME AT LOWEST PRICES N short line will sall sail c tickets to salt lake november ath round trip fare fara only oaly to salt lake laka and return nov satt via oreeta short line were wera never cheaper and sever never in the history af atah J tah co cc was such a ato stock ck on en exhibition as aa can now be seen at raylor lay tot broa brea co prices will please you yon see them bros co of this thia city have a lare stock of wallpaper which they fee are at 7 cje pr roll roil and aad up cee ee their celebrated celebrate ed feld pianos manes for sale at gatea furniture Fann tare companas Comp anys store daa SMALL piu pili beat pill dewitts little early risers cure wa ious nees activation con head headache smoot druz dreg co SALT lake junes are not given to so convicting women charged with murder murder mrs cora cara thomas the colored woman from fort douglas who last summer scanner followed her soldier husband to a house on state street and aad there thera shot hm has baa also been acquitted the defense was insanity safes y 17 a at I 1 M ta 73 B Y A boys boya want you to accompany them to salt lake laka nov no ath to sea aea the big toot ball game round trip fars fare only GAT CAUL at the provo hard hardware tare iron iran co a store for best beat heaters ranges and cook stoves also stove pipe stove extras and mica will repair polish sad and fiet up no staves das carpit cheaper than ever at the gates gatea furniture companas Comp anys store stora ds da ju ace gave thomas clark and anda J L edmonds edmonda five dve days each on the charge of on an the ra railroad grounds these men are the tha suspects held in the freight wa warehouse robbery are useless if trifled away and aad they are ara dangerously wasted if consumed by delay in cases where one couch cure would brinz bring immediate beliel drug co fo forbell For T ball B Y A vs Y NL 02 0 A at salt La laae soy ath round trip fare via 0 S L by you yon cant ewe eurs consumption but yoa van can avoid it and cure every other mrm form of throat or 1 lung trouble by the fee use usa of one minute chuzh cure care smoot dray C jo 0 deeton are ara still headquarters for all kinds of bicycle repa repairs and supplies daf bros creamery will taka milk in any quantity come and wake arrangements at residence nce fir first fira A ward go sad and see the fine una line of bedroom auita at gates furniture Far company companas Comp anys y a store ds co this city have secured the agency for tile the state of utah on the emerson piano the 11 emerson without doubt is ia the beat piano aade T good lack steel ranges are nn an the beat ranze in utah see them at ane gates furniture com cam banys store taa maz board of education met last evening and filled the cue vacancy of thomas john resigned by appointing mr ralph poulton member from the second ward the board then christened the tha new school on provo bench the lincoln school the board will give a house warming at the now new school house next nest friday they used ron moc day nov esth as aa th the e day when the school will be opened to the district yov you cant afford to risk your life by allowing lowing ai a cold to develoz into pneumonia or consumption instant relief and a certain cure are afford afforded ei by one minute cough cure smoot drug drag co ALL AIA the latest songs and marches just received at provo music co call cali and see us na CHEAP r rates atea to salt gait lake city tov jtb 0 S SL L ry 7 J C banny one of the best beat known citizens of spencer mo testifies that he be L ared lared himself of toe the coret kind of piles by bv heinz a few bazes boxes of dewitts Witch Hazel salve he had bad been troubled with piles for over thirty years and had used many different kinds of so sg called cures but dewitt a s was waa the one that did the work and he ha will verity verily this statement if any one wishes to wrife him smoot drug co B R G has haa filed suit in the fourth district court against daniel hamer administrator of the estate of IL W smith deceased the complaint sets gets forth that in ia 1894 H W smith S now deceased entered into a contract to do certain work on an the yankee mine in consideration can of an undivided one third interest in said sai d mine the mine people made out ou the deeds but smith failed to live up to his contrast contra et the tha plaintiff wants wanta a a mortgage or lien upon the ae undivided na ins third inter int treat to secure the aa aum of 35 and fth terest blanyer vs va charles turner 9 anaa allred ailred and serino serine conrad ia a the atlo of a complaint filed in the tae clerks cerka office the plaintiff claims that he be is ia the owner of certain lauds landa in city and that he be betout abet out posts and pro to build a fence around his hia land defendants pulled gup the posts handmade and made threats to repeat tas acts the plaintiff wants wanta the defendants enjoined from rum doing any further acts acte c of trespass and particularly from antar plaintiff in the buding baht ing of said bece |