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Show FIRST ArHiAL I ROWER SHOW ! HUGE SUCCESS i i .we1'-"' . cmr. -.. . we: e made :rst annual ic - ,v ,,,, sored by ii. ;,. .v;.,.. K.nv,.,- Gal ,i, :i a Wiali,.n. :i.-.-: .ling l report by office: s in dungc. The i'K.e:s u-if chi!.iu--.l F: al- v in tin building formerly .;-.:,, ,..! ,v the Consumer: ' G:oe-:v on Main street. Probably he mils:-;m!inc cntrv 0r Ihc exhibit was the Trailing jj;)x -linf. a vivid pink lose rf t ho climbing climb-ing variety, exhibited by Mrs. Pru-leuce Pru-leuce P;:lf:e;. ;..;-.n r.nd'.Mrs. KUen MeK enzie. The Chateau o.e t ies Vou. ot a -laik ied rose displayed by i:..'rl E. Wing was judged higesl ' , (ho hybried tea roses and was aw ,rded first place in the red riw c!:i.:. i;r V:ng w.n judged highest of "the best hybrie.i tea rose, a irght.pink vai-ety Known as the Annie aurie J. Kmmcl: Bird was award 'd third place wiC: a red rose of unnamed varietv. Mrs. J'ell Child's linslo t of roses vas judged met artistie. Kihbcn.s for loses in otlirr divisions divi-sions were av.-aided ::s f0 ows: pmk lose. Karl B. Wing, firsl, second and thud parrs, r.cd rose, Pari B Wing, first; J. E. Bi-d. second' Karl B. W:ng, third. Yellow rose Earl K. Wing, first; R. W. Dax'idson second; Hilda Van I.euvan. third. hitc rose, J. E. Bird, first; E rl B Wing, second; lira. Milton Brown. I third. Climber rose, Mrs. Ell, n Mc-'Kenzie, Mc-'Kenzie, fh-sl; Mrs. Hattie lVugall wood; Mrs. Bell Childs. third Largest rose. Fail H. Wing, first; Mrs. Milton Brown second; K -Ml P.' Wing, third. Pest haskel of roses of one va- . ' riely, Mrs. Prudence Pa!;revman ' '. list: Mrs. Bell Cl.ilds, second'' !, -Mrs. Otis Payzent. third. PaskPt or vase containing largest lumber of different loses: Karl R Wing, first; Mrs. P.ell Childs, second: sec-ond: Mrs. Mark Cook, thin'.. Most artistic basket or vase in combination .with other flowers Mrs. A. L. Thorpe, first; M-i Beu- ' Ion Whit;n crccr.d; .- Bell Clii'ds. third. jr Vahv annual and perennial fow ' 1r8 ' wc!- splayed, m;tft;uulln ' imong the.-e being the large vase o al'.spnrs exhibited by Mrs. Pel 1 "hil,i:!- The beautiful Madonna lil ies displayed by Mrs. Celcslia Whit more and George Ileude,son and 1 the basket of Climali, by J. Kmmett I hlrd were also oul. 'landing entries of the show. Ribbons weie aus; !. i ja UuU division di-vision as follow. I:, ., i,:,,-;:,,t or vase of Cilia, da;. .. ,,mi., Row. nn"- M. I":.. Uard, sec ond; Mrs. M. (. pad;. uJ. h;Vt. Best flowering shrub, y ., McKenzio, first: V,- o pnrltl artl second; Mrs. Mdtnn Brown, third. Perennial sweet peas: Jri;is Fannin Fan-nin Rowland, find, .,ccr:,fj. M j ... Leo la Thoi pe, third. Annual sweet pea, Mir. George Anderson, first Madonna Lily Mrn Pelestii Whitmoic, first; George 11 rul-r.ion second. V;u-o of Tiger liilies: ,. A L Thoipe, l'jr. I; i , V-; rv second. t l-arlrur;''.ir-. j:f. M-dd,:. fli-u-Mrs, Maiy' Mma.1. wm,:- Mr:l Charley I ulry, third. Mis. Mark Cook w(jii fird jdace on a beautiful basket of pannes. Mr:i. Fannin Rowland w:v; bwhi'iI. ed two first places with her corcr.p-M corcr.p-M and sha;ita daisies. Mrs. Cclestia Whitmoie won fhr firsts with Canterhiuy Bells, Batch-elor Batch-elor Rultnns and Achelia. Mrs. B.d Childs won fjrsf. with a basket of Snapdragons and J. Kmmett Km-mett Bird won firsl with a basket of clemalf ;. The judges of lhr ;.h:W wor (). U. Thoinau and Jtalph 'J"!c.niH r,f I1! 0'f. Members uf the Tinvvr show committee com-mittee were especially pleased with the number of flowers ent.-re.l and wish to (hank all tho;, y. r, r(ir(,irt, d'rl to inalte the fii.a sh-w a spien- 'id .uccess. |