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Show day. the Tm day of August, 1927, at -in "West Second South, to pay I he delinquent assessment, together wilh costs of advertising and ex-Ienses ex-Ienses of sale. This assessment was levied to cover an assessment of $1,010.00 on Mutual Coal stock owned by Spring-ville Spring-ville Coal. Ice and Storage Co. Ky order of the Board of Directors. Direct-ors. T. A. OSTLER. President. ' Z. J. MAN WAKING, Secretary. Office: -t" West Second South, Srlns.'ville, Utah. Publication dates: June 30; July 7, 14, 10127. ASSKSSMKNT NOTKT: Sprinc,ville Ice. Coal & Storage ( ompany. Locution ot principal place of business. 45 West Second South street. Spvingville, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Beard of Directors of Springville Coal. Ice and Storage Co., held uu the U'.th day of June, Y.rSi, an assessment of 4ii cents per share was levied uihui the capital stock of the corH'raLion; payable immediately to the secretary at the office of the company. 4." YV. Second South, Springville, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment assess-ment may remain unpaid on the 2 1st of July. lti'-'7, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, ami unless payment is made before. Avill be sold at - o'clock p. m: Mon- |