Show fRAMMtUD NfBRASKANS Silver Democrats Demand Free Coinage A Cleveland Resolution Came Near Creating a Riot at the Omaha Convention Con-vention Vigorous Resolutions in Favor of Freo Silver and Free Schools and in Opposition to the AI A Omaha Aug 22If an effort was made to conciliate any warring elements ele-ments In the ranks of the Nebraska Democrats 11 was not In evidence at the State Democratic convention today Prior to the session there was some talk about tile silver and gold wings of the party combining but If such a plan was seriously contemplated It was early abandoned From 2 oclock when Chairman Smith convened the body until 11 tonight to-night when the curtain went down In the hall sliver was the only apparent financial problem before the convention conven-tion But It was essentially a convention conven-tion of the advocates of the whlto metal In the party The other wing Ignored the meeting today and will convene at Lincoln September 5th Edgar Howard was made permanent chairman without opposition and the following nominations were made by acclamation Supreme Court Judge A J Phelphs regents State university Dr H S Blackburne arid J J Kettle After speeches of minor Importance bubbling over with silver sentiment and opposition opposi-tion to the A 1 A the committee reported re-ported the following resolutions FIIEE COINAGE PLATFORM We the Democrats of Nebraska In convention assembled reafllrm our realrm faith In those principles written In the Declaration of American Independence and emphasized Jefferson and Jack son namely That all men are created creat-ed equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable rights among which are the following Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness happi-ness that governments are Instituted among men to secure these rights and that governments derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed govern-ed and we demand that all of the departments de-partments of the government legislative legisla-tive executive and Judicial shall be administered In accordance with these principles We reaffirm the declarations made mne by the last Democratic State convention 1894 conven-tion hold in Nebraska on September 23 1894We We believe the restoration of the money of the Constitution Is now the naramount IRRIIO beforn fun poimtrv 1 and insist that all parties I shall plainly state their respective positions on the I question In order that voters may Intelligently In-telligently express their preference We therefore declare ourselves In favor of the Immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver sil-ver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 as such coinage existed prior to 1873 without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation such gold and sil ver coin to be a full legal tender for all debts public and private We send greeting to our Democratic brethren throughout the Union who are making such a gallant fight for the restoration of hlmptallsm nnri nn n un nno u gratulate them on the progress made We deprecate and denounce as un American and subversive of the principles prin-ciples of free government any attempt to control the action of the political parties of this country by secret cabals or organizations of any character and warn the people against the danger to our Institutions which lurks under any such secret organization whether on religious political or other differences of opinion Recognizing that the stability of our Institutions must rest on the virtue and Intelligence of the people we stand as In the past In favor of the free common com-mon school system of this State and declare that the same must be perpetuated perpetu-ated and receive liberal financial support sup-port and that the management and control of saidschool system should be nonsectarian and nonpartisan The Democracy of Nebraska approves ap-proves and commends the declarations of President Cleveland In the past in condemning the pernicious activity of Incumbents of Federal offices under the government In attempting to control the policy and nominations of their parties par-ties and we hereby recommend the renewal re-newal of the policy of his first administration adminis-tration In that regard A delegate attempted to place the following before the convention as the minority report We commend the administration of President Cleveland as belnir able na trtotlc and honest and reaffirm the platform adopted by the Democratic National convention at Chicago In 1892Scarcely Scarcely had the first word been uttered ut-tered when the whole convention was protesting There was such a roar that order was not established for ten minutes min-utes when the offending resolution was tabled without comment |