Show ImONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUg S the fourth Judi judicial elal Vi district StriCt of the bbate ol of utah IT tan utah comity james plaintiff plata tiff vs J R boshard Co shard jane jana E B laniel daniel P KeU Kello ogar gir A AA A oon JohnG jon s 11 1 jon amos do D holdaway james E daniels jr r ea george orze BU au nerland erl ind reed smoot and benjam n sac lachman timan jr as of the estate ot of denia min bachman clunan Ha dt deceased ceased hardware company a corpo provo aki cooperative operative oper alive lust inai aution tut Z n a curo curD oration W 1 al zander Josel Hobbs swen sven freed lames james adones ithoma albinj Jo tinson ed a N aquin alsen nela neis pearson jan joan jon jones C H N at joh job son soa benjamin isacc man jr J F r gates willit in rr ourt L HA H A broca reter tub is B R H dodd cynig byona ur U r company a corporation corpord tion t on at al cani of commerce jom merce a corporation corpora iloa he IL B n f kag company compa aj a corporation first national baix baniad cr crova a corpo corporation nalon whelam buckley Bue idey anil and a D wasey waa erand and H a 11 Alart artin ln nartui era as swasey mania defendants T te esta state teof of mau send greeling toJ it Bo no saard shard jane K R bohard Bo hard bard daniel P kellogy Kello gr A A soon noon joh job G junes S d jones amus D 1 holdaway jamesa james E dani lanil danil l jr geoge geo ge Butti erland heed amo mo it t and BE benjamin baca man manar i r as administrate adminis trat rs of he estate of benj min backman deceased omba rard wa company a corporation provo rox cooper co oper r active institution a corpo w V D alexander jose hows HODS bacu freed baines james A j jones ones I 1 homas allen alien J 1 bjon jonnson neon hd fl w man inan S N olsen N nels ela te ee arson john jones C G U H dahlquist N it joanson Job BeDi benjamin amin P F gates william probert I 1 L peter H H bodda ama grocer copany cou pany a corporation coro oration national bank of commerce a corporate corpo rati n tabeh the ai 13 claflin cipun company a corporation t national alivia llivia IB of bovo povo a cort oration william andE DS and 11 ha 8 bl matin tin brasey par nersas awa wa eya ey martin mart in defendants you are hereby required to appear in 11 an action brought against you yon oy by tho above named plain tg in the ine district court of the fou footit tak judicial district of the state of therein within ten days daya exclusive of the dav of service after tue the bervice on you of this sum mono if within this conaty aou v or 0 r if served out ont of ibis hia county but bu t in ahia 98 district dh itrice within twenty days otherwise within forty da basor I 1 or judgment by default will be taken to prayer of this complaint tria tt said action Is brought to recover of de fand n a J li boshard and jane E do co sh shard rd the sum of with interest thereon ironi from naren 4 abas at one per cent per ninth all alleged ged to be due on a certain prom a aary rote tetide ade excited ex jested and delivered bv 8 baij a defendants to pla naiff F breary 4 1833 wh reb they promised to pay to plaint ff one oe year af a er date the aid sim aam of aw 8 ua with 1 jear intyre t a 6 aforesaid also thes the sum of 2193 65 with legal late interest reit thereon amm sep alleged to bave been paid aa taxes on the mort mong gued axed premises premise ber enre referred fe are to alo al o to decree of tali court that th at a certain inor gaim gage dese deac albed in said mm complaint plaint and executed by afie majd defendants it and dauee habard il abard february kebr uary to secure the payment of the note herein describe be krecl sed that toe me p bonuses onuses conveyed b eald mortgage be sold that tho the proceeds of said sale e be paled to the payment of said note noie moneys extended exi exl ended and interest ini erest and in ial ase c so such ds are lent to pay par the sam earn then to bt at in a judgment against said eald defendants J F B E S hard rd and d J jane are ic B bohard bard for such deff aien a ov that the purchaser hager t L said webs gale be let into the sirmon of said property that the defendants feni fend lanta ants and all persons claiming byth ough or under teem LO le ter ed and foreclosed of all right twe itte veini li ii n 0 equity of re emption in the a ud dd mori pie premises and tor for suen other and murthe lurther relief as aa may be meet and equitable equi t tabe be elsts said tB are described as lov wt asi hall of lots 2 and 3 block 3 rial plat 13 provo dt cit survey and you are am hereby notified that if you yoa fan fall to appear and answer tue the said complaint as aa above required requited tho the said will apply to w the court for t ti e to re let demand d in tue toe complaint 1 t and tor for casts of this suit auli t witness bitne es the ron hon A 0 hatch hach juaire and I 1 the seal fa 1 I the estrict court of th I 1 fourth judicial district in enaud aud for 1 I nt utah state 81 of utah this auh day of sept in ia the theeart ear of our L lord 0 rd one ona thousand eight hundred and ninety six F djoi ars cl clerk carles delaby alt al torney oniey tar for |