Show city and county jotting cottings Jot tings J S PAGE jr is over ovar from payson THE best meals served in provo cita none excepted for 25 acts commercial hotel wass you call on your best girl pat get the beat candies choca chocolates lates carmels carmela etc at the excelsior drug paint co Z D L THOMAS of fairfield fail field is at republican headquarters today FOR SCHOOL S HOOL USE BUY BATTLE BAT ale AX SHOES AT mccoard BROS azo E hows is paying the highest market prices for all kiadas of fish and game L K STr BT EwArT wArT republican nominee for county commissioner was at bead quarters yesterday IT will pay students eln denta to zet their groceries from goo E howe prompt delivery and attention to orders LOVE letters are not a success unless written on the beat of p piper a per new kew line of the latest box paper tries faai f ast in at smoot druz drug co t D IN 0 SCOTT city attorney of eureka wag in the cuy on legal business Occil occidental main st provola first class sabon Sa loon oon t THE firemen will give one of their popular panties pai ties at the southworth hall next friday evening the darton barton bros will furnish the ranele masic invited ad is DB WITTS witch hazel salve is an antiseptic soothing and healing application for burns scalds cuts bruises br aises etc ate ard and cures diles like mazie magic it instantly blips pain smoot drug drag company ALL kinds of produce wanted in in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO JAMES BROWS of highland and 9 W jones of alpine were wera visitors monday afternoon fit at republican headquarters azo aso E HOWE makes a apeci specialty alty of all kinds of fi bing tackle COUNTRY store clerk sincle or married state experience and wages expected must be active have unexceptionable tio ti references and ba willice to make himself u fal taos P page rivert riverton on salt gait like lake co lw iw THEBE was a successful republican rally held monday night at spanish fork hon hoa arthur L thomas thomaa and fannie E stewart were the speakers the Darling darlington ten wis wi journal says editorially ot of a popular patent medicine chae we wa k ow from experience that chamberlain colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy is ia all that is claimed for it ir as aa on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and poe possibly sibly saved us na from an uni melv grave we would not rest easy over night without it in the house this remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and than any other medicine ms dicine in the world every family should beep it in the bousa for it is sure to be ba needed sooner ol 01 later for sale by smoot drug co an estimable member of the pleasant view ward died vester yesterday dav afternoon the funeral will tal tae ke place at the ward meeting house bouse tomorrow afternoon at 1 friends are invited MANY lives of usefulness useful have been cut short by neglect to break up an ordinary cold pneumonia bronchitis and even consumption can be ba averted by the prompt use of one minute cough cure smoot ingot drug company WAN WANTED red A first class clasa girl for general housework mrs EA wedgwood I 1 and J ats at aimor tanner saya that sugar sells cells at provo for fer 1 15 25 per hundred at at pleasant grove si 40 80 per hun hundred drel at american fork 1 1475 per hundred and at lehi per hundred hn nored he wants to know what makes the dif differs feir ence dandruff is duo to an enfeebled state of the skin ekin halls hair quickens the nutritive functions of the skin heaning and preventing the formation of dandruff ho 1101 I 1 rayl AY 1 when tou ton want ice wait for the blue bine wagon DEPUTY clerk Kno knowlden Knowl widen dea today issued a marriage lin vincense linc enee cense ti geo W harvey aged 26 and mary B baker aged 18 both ol of lehi lebi demoisy ved tied the ibe birding knot end the young couple went on their way rejoicing 1 ara requested to keep away and 21 i e n t ae r u tn t to 0 c call a I 1 I 1 a at t t the h a 0 occidental c c i d e n t a 1 wilson Nei baar props t foe SALE A two horsa borse upright en gine e second hand apply at enquirer office faau han single singled 01 married bins most each aa yaca and experienced perien ced steady employ meA or rent farm to right party abos P basle riverton Ki verton sait halt lake co lw H 11 GA G A culmer calmer has located and had recorded nine nina claims situated in the north part of 0 township south range they are called the assyrian nos 9 3 41 5 6 7 8 ard aad 9 A good watch or clock is a very useful na thine everybody can afford to have one now as aa they are so very much cheaper than ever before J beck the fiovo jeweler has a fine stock cf all the newest designs very cheap also a very lovely stock of rings long chi ins ina and all of the latest up to date goods if you want conr eves fitted with glasses or your watch fixed come coma and see me GENEVA is the bast place in utah county for pie nic excursions schools and association can make reasonable te terms for the uie nae of the grounds fine pavilion good hotel hol tel accommodation excellent ercel lent freshwater battling bathing and good boating t tf Or ArLES demoisy and thomas john addresses republicans at ibe following places lake shore saturday night oct 24 fairfield monday night oct 26 and highland tuesday night ost oct 27 TETTER eczema and all similar skin troubles are ara cured cared by the use of le de witts wilts witch hazel salye it soothes boothes at once and restores the tissues to their natural condition and never nayer fails to cure piles smoot drug company dr 0 B snyder has procured ab the 8 anions among graham method of extracting teeth without pain it is perfect ally harmless to young and old and he can gaa guarantee rantee to extract boeth without pain or money will be refunded t t L S the tailor is caking aking up suits luiis to order from 13 and up pants sa 3 and up suits alio aho made up from peoples own material very cheap he keeps on hand the latest designs of cf samples for salting both hone made mada and imported ted to select from all work and fit guaranteed Works workshops bopa uv up stairs two doors north of national bank corner provo utah READY made baits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO FAMILY washing 5 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo AN appeal has been taken from justice henra W bernett of payson to the district court in the case of john E betta and john G betts belts vs joseph E grook crook the plaintiffs are au suing 0 0 recover 2397 on a butcher account and 5 90 interest the tha plaintiffs plaint iffa in the lower court got ju dament and the defendant appealed the case A backing cough is not only annoying ing to others but ia dangerous to the person who has it one minute cough cure will put an end to it smoot drug company |