Show MONTY MONEY QUESTION kentucky Koil tucky bankers iu in session Sessi TXIE THE presidents ADDRESS Lei legislation cin C in never create values value honor of the it i auntry at ai stake louisville ky oct 14 special there was an unusually large attendance at the today of the fifth annual convention cony endon of the Ken kentucky tacky banters bankers association all the bealing banks ol of the state were represented and in addition fraternal delegates were present from ohio missouri and other states after prayer by pay chaile 4 K R Hemn Ilem bill an address of welcome was delivered by bv gary cary pter of Loui louisville eville and to by howard cloward K R french of mount sterling president Li leathers athers then delivered his hie annual address after welcoming the delegates he proceeded to say I 1 I 1 we meet in a the midst of the greatest political contest that has ever been waged in this country since the foun dation of our government the issner involved are the most important the ame american acau people have ever been called upon to determine and upon their cr solution must rest the peace and prosperity erity of our oar conniry con cor on theone side opal s 3 inflation and the dent kofl our currency are arrayed aza aea st the side bide of sound monsy money good fait and national credit and our wat alword ah word of those who would preserve the credit of the american people must be a against the tha people or parm that would aoa id bring discredit upon our oar country for this people are willing to lay jay aside party passion and party and to cast off old political ties and eions if necessary an 1 with that courage and patriotism characteristic of df the american Amb rican people stand by their up n what they believe to be ba right and what they believe to be for the beat interests of our oar country con atry kentucky bankers are ara already upon reco record d on this areat question and in ringing words declared at the owens owena I 1 boro meeting last year by unanimous i voice that the kentucky Ban bankers keks I 1 As ocia tion declares that in its candid and deliberate judgment the faith of the nation cation and welfare of the people demand the maintenance ot of the tha existing single gold standard as aa the basis of our monetary system and so ao eay eav we here today with increased emphasis atil ani declare again to the world our condemnation dem nation of every effort from every qua tar to inflate or debase our currency A great deal is said by the lists and free silver advocates about the great reat crime of 1873 1 so bo called and the n of silver ealyer when the fact is that from the foundation of our government down to 1873 a period of ninety seven years there were only coined in all that time eight million eil verdo allars from of crime 73 so bo called down to the present time tima a period of oe twenty three years and with a population of seventy milli millions ins of people we now hae more than five hundred million dollars of full fall legal tender silver every dollar of which is current as full leal tender with gold showing that in the past twenty three years tears we haya have issued either in actual coin or silver certificates versus silver bullion about seventy five times as much silver as we coined during the whole eighty years vears previous history of abs ihs united states and yet in the lace face I 1 ves tt es fats fata it is bovini 1 d chit si yer ver has been surreptitiously de the distress that pr prevails all over this thia land lanil is 13 largely la ely the outgrowth ont growth of a ul belief in the fallacy that I hris lation can create values it never has baa and never can legislation may caf provide for the issuance of promises to pay value and for means meana to redeem bedea in those promises but those promises wiil wit 1 l only pass current in proportion as faith exists in the tha ability of the to redeem his hia pledge we can no more force the world to receive fifty cents worth of silver for a hundred in gold than we can force people to reee receive ive eight ounces for a pound one proposition is juet juat as reasonable and as sensible een sibIe as the other it would seem strange in the light of the experience ol of other cat ions that this great and rich country which has excited the wonder and admiration of the world by its splendid example oi of patriotism cu progress and enlightenment as well as aa its high honor and integrity should be of such a stupendous piece pie ce of folly A distinguished distin gushed american statesman and a citizen ot of a far western state at that he ha said the financial fia fla ancial system of a country is a test of its it civil 1 I if that is true and we know it is then it is equally true that no nation except the be uncivilized or half balf cly nations of the battla haya have the free and unlimited coinage of silver as aa their monetary system are the american 1 can people willine to abandon their present money system and adopt that ot of the half ball civilized nations of the earth can we e doubt that the american people will andeer at the tha polls in november in thunder tones |