Show SALOON POLITICS mr allson certain slur aade editor enquirer to my personal knowledge there are a great many of aba more liberal and broad minded people of provo who are beco mioK heartily sick and with the continued harping of a certain number ot narrow contracted in dividu alala against what they are pleased to term the baloon element and whom they appeared apps ared to think should not be allowed to exercise in a political manner the rights accorded citizens eneard in other callings now why not I 1 should like to know their is certainly legitimate made co by ordinance and legislated upon by representative citizens authorized by the masses of provo city to pass laws consistent consi stant with their desire and wishes some time ago while talking with a gentleman of views he asked me in ratter a pointed manner daring the heat of dl curtion why I 1 for instance should haye ae cwb to eay in regard to municipal affairs aa bal a email pro perty owner and taxpayer tax payer while I 1 at that time bad no reality my answer to the gentlemen was my dear air I 1 have paid aiuto the treasury trea aury of this city nearly seven thousand dollare as a tax or the equino lent tor the privilege of conducting a small but legitimate within the bounds of this municipality which ia morel than you aiva paid or ever will pay if yon should live two lifes full expectancy now who are the men whom such in divi duala would deprive of their political they are citizens ot the united states and taxpayers tax payers of grovr the majority maio rity of teem have fa miliea who are as dear to ibea as of men in other our puite and taken as a class they are ns reputable a body of citizens as you will nod engaged in any particular calline if they ka desire and feel BO is it noa right and fair that they should have oro portio representation in municipal af faira should not all good citizens with the of justice and right eyer before teem concede them the eriv alega of working for their interests in a legitimate manner without the casting of and imputations against their characters as men and good citizens if not why not aba ord nanco making it a crimo to engage in the bale of intoxicants and place teem in a poi tion aney can be honestly ceni bored 7 but no it will be said that would not do far the city ot receives biye thousand dollars year from these peo pie how far does this po toward pay ini the municipal let us see com mancine at the baaij of aba ticket we will take the beare salary liet or mayor recorder marshal SOO policeman bupt supt waterworks water works city teamster ren two a month no committee work total which deducted from 5 which added to the regular taxation of esloon property and property of balloon altache ee will ray for the electric lighting af the city accordi dg to the terms of the present contract with the woolen mills now what other special line of business contributed contri any thing like that account some thoughtless individuals claim that since the advent of saloons toe expense of tl e department has in creased which is wrong darine the old regime of prohibition and drug stores abo police department carried two regular policemen and a special belides tha marchal ma while now the v baye but one and there are much less and if they will take the pains to investigate I 1 think they will find that half if not more of liquor shipped into provo city ia distributed through other chavonele cha onele than that of the balbona Ba loona and which the city receives but little revenue and toe majority of that they are compelled to collect through the police court while these illegal despen bora ara looked upon with political favor and nod no trouble in securing representation and in coma cases even have the honors of office thrust upon them the position of a aquor dealer I 1 will admit is not as elevating or exalted as that of a of harvard an ex of or pos lotical or monetary sciences encee but nevertheless th eless I 1 do claim that a man engaged in the business if be so deserea des irea and ia eo constituted mav be the ot as much culture refinement hr arnesty nesty business integrity as any one and is as much entitled to the respect of hia fellow men trusting that thesa few facts and figurea wilt be the means of removing some of abo prejudice existing in the minds of people who have not already become too calloused and prejudiced in their ideas to be open to conviction through the channels of food argument I 1 am most respectful ly W H |