Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings OLD birthday at the third ward room tonight tafta retail grocery store prettiest fall capes you ever saw iut in at 8 6 jones company tf your floar to elite bakery in for bread opposite post office IT ia a well established fact taftt anatra who sold their potato crop last season through tho county fruit and agricultural society got ten to twenty dollars more for ach carload than those who sold otherwise be enre aad sue us beagon before you beell cw TUB A 0 smoot lumber yards wheat oata barley and corn in exchange for lumber door etc A complete naw nsw stock ia carried tf mada auita at EN MILLS CO ALL kiuda of produce wanted in ez champo for woolen gooda PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO arid receipts carefully compounded at smoot drag co D L DEAN has opened a real estate A lian ouica in martina bank fl the post office GOOD rooms aal boad at the rate of 5 fsr week at mrs tera opposite the opera house FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered prompt v D V the grocela boshard for at prove hardware aud iron company t TUB democratic delegates to the paydon convention to represent brovo met last evanine in caucus and decided to support M M warner and A 0 khoot for members of the lebia lature haintl paint 1 paint 1 baady mixed paints at ward sona 1 par kallon can feat of loga wanted immediately G W mickel provo t D L baa acme fine improved farm in utah county and residence proper liei in provo city listed for bale price and tenni cheap and saable office in 8 rasey martini bank opposite postoffice post office FOR rent A bix roomed house enquire of tha A 0 smoot lumber go tf miss ella baa returned irom bait L iad where eue has been studying for a couple of weeks the latest designs in milliner was will be prepared to chow the prettiest and danti eat desiata in the lagest millinery and will be ready for the display on tuesday and beyt aal alie kindly invitee her friende and patrons to call and inspect her lutock SAXBY carry all be leading branda of at lowest fahrr growers and bee keepers can kt at the lowest prices at geo W mickela mill in building bail ding material and contractors can save money by their orders for mill work to geo W nickels provo utah t go to the excelsior house opposite the opera conae on J street for beat 25 cent bed best 2 moab in the city HOWK taft are aaen in the whole bale aul retain grocery business at their old stand 28 centre Bt baret ret they are reda ciar their large wholesale who lesile oro k and it viii wan to yet rome rare bargains infancy and groceries call on thie well known firm ANYTHING in the bakery line made to order wedding cake a specialty at floras opposite PO DONT forget that the grand ioa takes place at 8 S jones co tf go to flora for the beat ice cream brad cakes and candy opposite post office go to the hardware iren oo 00 lor hay toole etc T fall styles in dreda arc beyond description but you will en j ay iy the greatest pleasure in looking avor ano many elegant desens at 8 S company their opening take placa on sept tf chop hoase is the place exactly to get a good square meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center wm oneill OLD man lawhorn living in ben pearces Pe arcos housa on the springville Spring ville road waa tobay arrested by marshal knight for stealing a pair of lines of hilaa allred lawhorn was arraigned before justice booth pleaded not guilty and trial was set for next tuesday mra 8 A kall of pomona cal had the bad luck to sprain her ankle 1 I tried several she saya but was not cared until I 1 used chamberla balm that remedy cured me and I 1 tako pleasure in recommend it and testifying to ita efficacy is also of greaty alue for rheumatism lame back pains in the chest pleurisy and all deep seated and moa cular pain fir bale by smoot drug of heber passed through provo canyon yesterday at denver last sunday he met with a se vere accident iia wan taking a train load of cattle east and in bome manner was caught between to of the cara with the result that two of his ribs were broken this caused him to return hims mr hatch is suffer inic considerable pain but ia ble to walk around |