Show SALE default baying been made in the payment of on a cot dated january 30 b 1891 executed by albert hagan karen haban faia wife nela Yore aann hia wife and norman B holladay Holla dav unmarried for fourteen hundred 1400 dollars payable to the columbia building tad loan association of den yer Colorado secured b added 0 trust to clyde J eastman Ea atman trustee and in casa of bia resignation rt boval moval or absence birom the aoun tv of utah territory of utah or or failure pr inability to act then to the sheriff cf utah conn tv as in trust dated january 1891 recorded february and 2nd 1891 in book 8 pages 31 to 34 ol 01 utah county re corda and whereat Where aa slid clyde J eastman has resigned his us tru itea now therefore There fora at tha request of the leeal bolder of said note and under and by virtue of be power aad in me heated breaid deed of trust I 1 will on the 12 h day of i U 1895 at ten am beell at public auction at the front door of the crun ty court house in the county of utah and territory of utan al the right title and equity nf re demotion ofine said albert arigan karon hagzan nele yo raaon roseita Yo and S eio laday in and to the fol lowine lands and premiano pre miao abe of utah territory of utah tn beginning at abe northwest corner of lot six 6 block ta flat A santaquin San Tow burvy thelca east forta io feet thence two 62 afeei chec west forty 40 affet irence north piety two to place of spinning bp inning forche and beat price abe same will bring in cash for the purposes of paving said note and the interest thereon and the expenses of executing abia trust JOHN A BROWN sheriff acting cf utah county and successor in trust by WILKINS dept sheriff dated oct 10 1895 SALE ahara Wh ara benjamin and jamea bath unmarried by their ked of fruat dated may duly acknowledged aad recorded in the office ol 01 the county lle corder of utah county utah territory on the day of may in booie 15 of mortgage ou oae 53 conveyed to the un der signed as trustee the following de land and premises in provo city utah county utah baund ed and as follo to wit Comme acini 9 rods west of the northeast corner ot block plat A survey of lota thence boath 0 rods thence west 3 roda cioth 6 rods thence east 3 rods to place of of description otherwise described as the west of lot G block plat A alor ewd in tue county and territory contain nt an area 0 18 square rods of erhand in arnet ho irever roVe cure the afif a bertam note therein fot foai dred dated may by jamea kirchain Kirk hain and Bf njamin Kirt bana y arrovo aad savings baak tho provo commercial and bank in provo city utah one year after date interest there on ait thi rat i f 1 fsr cent fiona daie untie aid and whereas haift that in case det arlt be made iq the dav mant of aay of the indebtedness there by ss cured either principal or then eaid deed to benaia in force and the said bartt 01 ahn cecone part or in the event ol 01 tho death disability or absence from provo city or refu singo act or other of the party of tho second part tuen the ol 01 utah county utah or any of hia deputies then aa anc of the tho ismond part proceed to sell efrid described property or angart any art thereof at pubic to the highest bidder for baah either of the parties to said efel being at liberty to become ilia bast att bach sale at the bankier banki nr house f aard provo and havinga binkin provo city utah airet riviar twenty daya public notice of the time terms and of said eala and the property to b told bv in borne newspaper in the englich lansu aeo and published in eaid provo city and such balo tha raid party of the biec ond putt or hie execute and deliver a deed or deeds infer simple of bold to the purchaser oz purchasers thereof and out ol 01 the pro beeda of to pay the expenses at sid fiust K aBo nabla at and conaser fees and compone aarion to said successor in trust forbis to pay the amount paid by the said party the third fi or assigns lor taxes lieada under the covenants in eald dead contained one percent par Trofi ithe date of pv ment thereof third to pay the amount note above 1 aad to tuo dat of and jentlie event ot their theat to pay buch aha partie oi the biral part i or alith ol 01 the cl enca ot bach proceed state an ac count credit the amount paid on alaid not and certify the amount of such da fici ency and whereas tha bald notera and remains wholly except tho baia ol 01 00 together with tha inter eton ano 00 asin said hote provided sinco tha day of calv 1894 all to aba suni of 65 and whereas tha h aldir of said note hai requested the matee to proceed to sell accordine to the in saad deed of trust now therefore public notice i horer undersigner undersigned under signed trustee in accordance with aiona qt eaith deed of arnst to which reft ference ia hereby made and at the re owner and holder of aard note fill above and prem iee at j c in the honee provo iab in proad an monday the ath day of no vember 1895 at noon of asid day for tha of paying the exl jenea of assid trusty reasonable to the and hia paying and in ont the terme 1 ot i KaE Deorle si J W IT attorney for |