Article Title |
Notice of Sale of Real Estate |
Type |
article |
Date |
1895-10-10 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
3 |
Creator |
Smoot, Reed, 1862-1941; Cutler, Thomas Robinson, 1844-1922 |
OCR Text |
Show NOTICE OF HALE OF RE notice is hereby riven in pur elance of an order of the probate court of the county ot utah territory of utah made on the day of september 1895 in the matier of the of and guardianship of freddick Fredi ick Wa olesa minor the i of baid minors person and ea ate will sell at eriv ite sale to the cheat bidder tor cash and subject to by said probate court on saturday the day of october at 12 M at the private residence 0 said au anlian in lehi cita in ih county of utah all mhd riat title interest ami estate ot the eaid fredrek wanless and all the right title and that the aard minor baa by operation of law or otherwise acquired in and to all those certain lot pieces or parcels af land lying and being in the said utah county territory of utah and bounded and described as follows and beina a 1 6 interest therein buwit be ol 01 the N E corner of block 29 lebi city survey thence N 88 dee E 6 dis thena 8 13 de E achs thennes then ceS asseg W 5 thence N 1 deew 5 97 to place of beginning begin nini alao lots 1 and 2 in block 42 plat alibi ALt bi city survey ot build ins lois also letb 3 and 4 in block 28 plat A lebi city of building iota also commencing 26 aja E 61 ada rda N from the S W crauer of the tf E quarter of sec 21 tp 5 S K 1 E thence N 40 thence E 24 ada rda alb thence W 24 ads to area 6 acres also 61 ads N and 60 rdse 8 W corner of tha ae berot tp fia JR 1 E thence N 40 ada rda thence E 20 ads f thence ti 40 ads thence W 20 ds to alace of 5 ecres also com 2769 hs E of the y W corner of he 8 W quarter of sec 16 tp 6 S R 1 E thence E cht N cha chanca S 84 da av I 1 62 cab hence S 88 deiz adea E 5 96 achs 8 88 des W cbs S 2 deg achs to of bo gianiny gin area 7 75 in 26 38 aba cba N and 50 cha E of the 8 W corner of tte 8 W qu arter of bec 16 tp 6 S R I 1 E thelca E aba cba chonce N I 1 31 aln luence W 9 51 cbs thence 8 1 31 achs to daco of bezin nin area 1 40 acres also a one eidth interest in an undivided inter st in the following clecy and barcel of commencing 50 ads E of ahn 8 W correr of tha B E quarter of sec 19 8 K 1 E thence E 50 ads thena N W ddn thelca W 50 ada rda athance 8 56 ada rda to the place of bekin nine area 17 acres aln all the im and a certain 40 acre piece of school land in sec 16 tp 59 R I 1 E and occupied by william wanless at th e fire of hh death terig and conditions of sale gash ten cpr cent of the moner to b paid on the day of the sale on of cale by said probate court deed at expense of ur chasar THOMAS R guardian of the estate and person of fradrick Wan BB september SALE benjamin kirkham and james kirkham both unmarried by their deed of trust dated may duly acknowledged and recorded inthe office of the County of utah county utah tbt day oj may 1892 in book 15 of mortgages on pae 63 conveyed to tho un reigned de na trustee the following de ascribed scribed land and premises situate in prevo city utah ed and described as follows to wit commencing 9 roda west of the northeast cornar ot block lia plat A survey of tots chenco south 1 west 3 rods thence north G rods thence east 3 rods to place of beginning of description otherwise described aa the west 01 ol lot 6 block A inthe county and territory of utah an area of 18 square rods of ground in trust however to the payment of a certain note therein de for hundred dollars dated may and delivered by Jamea Kirk bato aad kirkhart Kir khara to provo commercial and bank at the provo commercial and baribin Ba provo city utah one year after date with interest abere an at alia rate of laper cent per month aiom date cotil paid and whereas eaid provided thaviu case be made in the oay ment 61 any oribe thare by ae cured either principal or interest then baid deed to remain enforce in force and the paid party oi iha second part or in the event of the darath disability or absence from provo city or refu aing to act or other of the party of second part tuen tha sheriff of utah county utah or any of hie deputies then acting may as abc of the party of the secund part proceed to sell said described property or any part thereof at pubic to tho bidder foi calah jeither of the partie ei to jasd nasd deed being at to become the basei at Buch Bale at the houe of provo commercial and ga biribin Bi provo city utah first giving twenty days public notice of abo time terms and of said eala and the property to bs sold by in borne newspaper in tho english lanen aee provo city and euch eale abo eaid party of tha bec eec bcd ocd part or hla successor shall execute and deliver a deed or deeds in fee simple of tho property sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and out qi the proceeds of aale first toncy the expenses af eaid thuat including reasonably reason ablo at torney and cononel fees and raid trustee or said successor ina for second to pay the amount paid bathe eaid party of the third part its successors or assigns tor taxes insurance or mechanics liana un berthe der the in fhaid trust deed with one per cant per month interest thereon from the data 0 pay nieam thereof third to pay the remaining unpaid on aid note above described the principal and interest calculating toe interest up to tha date of fourth an fn the event ol 01 their being a of such proceeds then to to the parties ol 01 the first part their personal representatives or assigns fifth in case ol 01 the deficit ency of such proceeds to abata an ac count credit the amount paid on laid note and certify the amount of ouch deficiency fici ency and cas the caid note ia past due and remains wholly unpaid except the eum of 00 together with the inter eat on abe balance of as in said note provided since the day of july 1694 in all to the eum of and whereas the holder of said nota baa requested the un trustee to proceed to salt said prenn according to abe terms contained in said deed of trust now therefore public notice ii deraa by given that ahe tristea tru in accordance iab the and provi eions of eaid deed if trust to which tuf ference ii hereby made and at the request 0 he holder note will beell the above land and premises at to the in bouse of the provo commercial sav inen bank in provo city utah on monday the igich day of october 1896 at clo noon s of asid danfor tha of paying he of said trust mc ludina a reasonable compensation to the anchia tor paying bald interest and principal and fully carry ine ont aba of trust dated at city alst day of sept Tyoa taa J W N attorney for |
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