Show TAYLOR BROS CO an should be seen by all conference stake conference convening on saturday next will bring a large number of people aiom various parts of utah stake to this city in anticipation of this fact bros go the old and popular furniture firm have added largely to their already immense stock of goods this is second to none in utah it carries as large and varied a stock of goods as any other house in the territory and what is of especial importance to the these hard limes the prices are lower than those of any other house not excepting salt lake mr T N taylor the general manacek ma direct irom the manufacturers and im ports by the carload every week oon lorence visitors will find it to choir interest to call at this elegant establish men tand look over the mammoth stock of goods now on exhibition the furniture department is completely stocked with new goods the curly birch sets should be seen they are the latest and on the market there is a beautiful line of fancy wood beta pearl inlaid solid mahogany chairs tables etc the English mans cozy corduroy cord and leather baay chairs new styles of centre and silk tapestry taps stry parlor and bedroom chairs elegant dining tables including tha new pillar extension of solid oak and the unique ache latest thing the cobblers easy oak rocker the stock of iron and enamel finish bed should certainly be seen by everybody taylor bros coa crockery departs jaent is a veritable bazar it is complete in ayery detail the firm must be do a remarkable business in this line alone from the fact that since may ast 1st last they have sold over four tons of crockery the japanese house is well worth seeing it is fitted ap with novelties and curios Taylor Bros co keep of course their large lines of chicago cot tage oreana and emerson pianos t |