Show the decision of the supreme court reversing the lower court on the ednal suffrage age case mrs mcvicker Be publican candidate for superintendent of public instruction st is debarres debarred de barred from running arid john R far according to the action of the convention takes her place this will be joyful news for the many students of dr park utah he ia remembered kindly by them as the pioneer educator of utah and they will be glad to honor him with the position of the first superintendent of public tion in the new state THE deseret news ia still of the opinion that the attempt made by democrats in the matter of women voting was only a trick we adhere to the belief the deseret news says that it originated and has been largely stimulated in political or rather partisan anxiety to curry favor and win votes in other words that it was a trick not so plausible but what it was transparent and not so magnanimous nani but what its other purposes could be discerned the deseret news ie right the whole attempt on the part of the democrats was for arand stand play gibbs of the nephi blade denies that mr thurman is opposed to his becoming editor of the dispatch while admitting that judge king and SA baking King desire him to take the position so far as the overtures to alia blade editor are concerned ha ays S R thurman has been as earnest in his influence in devor of the proposition as those of samuel A king or his brother judge lmh K ing but the acqua mr gibbs has not yet got the position and wo believe ws are correct when we say the reason is that be ie a king faction THESE will not be much if any dia appointment among republican ladies over the result of the supreme court decision on the suffrage case because they never thou glit aliey could consistently vote on a law giving them the right to vote but they should keep up their organizations the case will likely be appealed to the supreme court of tho united anu re u not be found asleep h eabe of a re vergal JUDGE kings triumph with the dele gation of utah county has at once dismay in the ranks of the rawlins crowd and they fear he may defeat their pet B H roberts for tho nomination for congressman bence they lanb to sidetrack him by suggesting the governorship for him judge king we hupe will not bo sidetracked he should stand for congressman to think of anch stalwarts stal warts in democracy as judge milner and judge dusenberry not being permitted to go to the first state democratic convention arunies the pym pathy of even republicans these factional fights are anything but pleasant brethren in democracy should dwell in peace THE nephi blade is about the only peoples party paper left in the territory it is a little too rancorous to suit the times A large per of the old liberal party will not knife heber M wells and the blades rebellion at the choice of C E alien does not count for much HEBER M wells aaa utah boy born and bred the eon of one of pioneer republicans he did not seek the honor that is conferred upon him but rather was inclined to refuse it when offered it io a clear case of the office seeking the man and not the man the office WK feared from the beginning that some trick was being played on sir tharman through not having a county convention for the selection of alie utah county delegation in county convention mr thurman is supreme THE beaver etonian is running a double barrel political paper this year in one column democratic doctrine is giyen and in the other republican I 1 have the right of way OUR democratic friends are pro boff too much thai occur red to mar their recent caucus of the county delegates |