Show AMUSE MEHr Boni Khi CUIK opera wednesday A labanna laban nt nykee comic opera company appear at th oceia opeia bonsa tonight tor the first time in tar and tartar the company ia ona of the bent on the road and is on its way east after a lone and conr of tho west and northwest it carries a complete and special scenery for tar and tartar which afta been its leading opera during the season deveral members of the company hava national re loniak manfred abe id known all over the country as a beatti fal singer and an exquisite actress al leech in the front rank ot comedians alon with francis wilson and de wolf hopper and winfield blake has no equal as a basso binger helene ailinger a character singer and actress is favorably known in this country as well as australia and india C M pyke both as a singer and director ia known wherever mud ia known rhe company is quite large carrying over tony people with such leading people a flue chorna and orchestra splendid costumes and ecsery and en opera the namo of which alone aiila houses wherever it ia given conr laople haye reason to anticipate a musical treat alabama augustus thomass beautiful play will be the attraction at the opera house on wednesday night next are many beauli ul in ibis p ay one of them the result of a little accident is exceeding IT pretty and is worth recounting when the curtain bosa up on the third act of alabam the fragrant odor of iha magnolia perneatha perne atoa the theatre and each one in ahe audience turns around and looks at bia neighbor won derink where the delicious perlupo cornea irom they do not realize it comes from the abaga this little bit of realism if such it may be called originated with the author while watch ing the tho week in new Y rk mr thomra occupied a box in one of the orchestra seats a ably attired lady pulled a amell vial of cologne from her pocket and in so doing dropped it the vial broke and the iceal was plainly noticeable all over the house not tr but faintly ajeet and deemed in keeping with the foliage and hanging boea on hostage the next day mr thomas coo acted alted a chemist and had him prepare ounces of extract of alia just bafo e the cardaio went up the was blown to all parts ot iha bouse the illusion of a southern night was complete the mood the scenery the negro voices and the magic odor of the magnolia |