Show chati conaty coin FOR music and speeches A bie banquet and a base bail game G ame the commencement of the public schools of utah county held friday at proved to be glorious success entertained the teachers graduates and via tora generally from other parts of abs tbs county in royal and hearty style at 1030 a m hall con bained an assembly of pedagogues gues trustees sweet zirl graduates youn men graduates and friends there was a profusion of flowers all the graduates having boquete bo the programs as published in waa earned out alias macie sharp of lohi oa account of haying mat with an accident was unable to be pre sent and the instrumental selection eho waa to bar a eiven was therefore omitted prof G H brimhall was also unable lo 10 ba present wibb these two not a hitch in the prepared program the chas and of the a were very credit able one or two lacked brevity but otherwise are de servine of the high cat commendation tha musical belec aone were greatly appreciated by the audience prof J J piano ware especially judge W N delivered a happy address sia reminiscences of the of the territory during pio neer days vera interesting interest inc dr J E kamaga gave ft splendid talk to the he defended the ferrn it wa the grada oies of the colleges and un have completed certain coarse of study but they have only commenced a more extended coarse the experiences which the future ig to glye them in the case ot tho graduates of the district schools it would be said they have completed ane first lesson and were now prepared pre oared ti second poverty was referred to a a help rather than a hind rises to education from personal the speaker stated that the aba greatest pro Krepa was made by timae gholia atto with poverty to come to eshcol the dignity of labor mannal ai a i wall aa was upheld by the doctor the of the microscope and the pen was not more honorable than the use of the bick and shovel he hoped to see tha day college graduates would be found upon ane farm and in the aa well us in the certificates wera a warded to the following graduate C K louise haymond amy kowland ida rowland louise rowland belizi watson john whiting SPANISH FORK CLASS 1 JC A william M hoghes ephraim G bessie ADRUS lizzie brown ella lani brown ammon rattle byrns snail roger creer william jones david bowen jones bowen jachn bingham Bing bam alice mellor hutchison Hut chiBon margje Mary JE brockbank jalett farr egizi creer leapal rockhill lewis barbara latwis Bop broni wood arthar thomas iedward morgan john pavla lla i aaela GLASS D B williiam boylee Dooz lasa atanoa milton harlock roes fred lewia Bo effner elizabeta Elizabe tb barnett ethel armenia bex eithfl catella cur tn mary jennie dixon daniels effla DoueI aBB jennie elizabeth dixox ada diretta daniels finlayson lillie annetta fairbanks eliza ann jones annie eliza mcclellan sarah amanda manwill nellie lidel taylor edith katella taylor LEHI blasy G N CHILD PRINCIPAL emm dehore allred daniel anderson mary brown mima child edith cutler jerome eyan eya gray weltha norton alice tand in eMiry smith moggie sharp arl thaleon Tha meon lulo trine adda winn jee ann jennie nat jamji worlton AMERICAN FORK CLASS W B calderwood CALDEE WOOD laura baicy beatrica logic joon 13 ran ra n brove CLASS 1 H frances ellen banks clara mauro white mary sophia weeks laella white boig stuwart St swart mcgaa barns bullock henry jeppson the provo graduates fraro also prea fint bat did not receive certificates aa they bad received them at the doge of school their jamea given at the time BANQUET in magnificent antrel en trel school housa waa prepared a oas of which tha visitors were invited to partake and they not slow to comply with the invitation they seemed to enter into spirit of the occasion ag expressed OB the blackboards eat drink and be merry and serve would you be well served several toasts to the holepit able people of Springy ille prepared by such well known after dinner speakers akerd as proffesor reee and others were nipped in the bud by the announcement that a baseball game between and payson school boys was ine program for the afternoon BASEBALL GAME baite a crowd repaired to the basa ball grounds to witness the game between tho paydon and nines bat the game lacked as it waa a rather one sided conie et too was eight to one in favor of |