Show SATURDAY 24 1894 john E booth president john henry smith vice J 0 graham srini ro jadu W 0 D glazier J K boshard BK CUETa AND J M jenoian Jen fian johna 7 1 antar vl at the at brov ae second clabea matter TERMS OF subscription BY XAI pa PREPAID daily edition Edi tiou oas eair io advance parta of a year er month in ad van ce SO benr aeo kly iu vearin advance 2 ac TO CITY daily slivered kli vered banday excepted except pd 80 cents ajer month in advance or 25 cents a week address THE go provo city utah ia irr ealar baak at the office or throne h 0 o 27 PA on all L ballo 1 AA ajit aricy tt ant 65 fix san aranci io oil O il where contracts an h made H P PI kewra PER ADVER geat 1 l Merc frani 1 0 ir author izoa agana this capor Is bep i fl i in his THE has a circulation tabt every week exceeds that of all iho other newspapers in central and bouthern utah combined in gaunty il haa a circulation that es beds that of all the other territorial p ars cow boys take jimmona livor E emulator when baiona J E pierce grande texas A guarter lu arter century test for a quarter of a century dr giuga new discovery aias been tested and the millions who have received benefit from its use testify to ita wonderful curative powers in all diseases of throat chest and lungs A remedy that has earod the test so lone and that has given BO universal satisfaction is no experiment each bottle is positively guaranteed cuaran teed to give relief or the mony will be refunded it ie admitted 10 be the most reliable for coughs and colds arial bottled free at smoot drug co large size and Q bior over fitly yours AH O brunst OT tar fifty years by millions of mothers fi lbs children while teething with perfect cea it soothes the cand softens uie yuirai lays till pain curs wind colic blits le friedy for it ivill relieve the piu sufferer immediately sold by in cery part of the woran hyc i bottle be ture ann atik for mrs H kyru and atalic itami MINISTER my dear young friend are you daily preparing yourself for that other country which she well I 1 should say so ive engaged three extra dressmakers to hurry matters up for we want to sail a week from today to day TOMMY 1 I wish you would come every evening to call on aulty aunty mr loftley do you think she would be glad to aee me tommy 1 I dont know but she p ives me a quarter every time she sees you comin if ill go down and say ashes out inter ocean TEN days loss of time on account of sickness and a doctor bill to pay ia anything lm pleasant for a nun of a family to contemplate whether be ia a laborer merchant or publisher jas 0 janes publisher of the leader mexia was sick in bed for seven days with me grip during its prevalence a year or no ao later in the eadson he had a second attack he says in the latter I 1 bertaina ber laina congh remedy with considerable I 1 think only bainn ia bed a little over two days the second attack I 1 am battened would have been bad as the first but for the use of this remedy it should 19 borne in mind that the erp is ranch the earns as a verv severe cold and re huiras percis elv the same treatment whan boti with to curo a cold and effectually eive this remedy a inal 25 and TO cent bottles for by eyia malben druggists T COMPOUND ra recent by a ola ta wd by boiani q Q badiea Zad iea I 1 abe only perfectly baasse aal ni ellria dl ortere i jhc offer interior medicines in of tax alt tor cooka cotton root taff KO ant tutt or 1 I fand 0 ceaf in coee lo 10 tier badoi la plain envelop to ixil oaly 8 giamp addrow and lily co a pan 1 no 3 fuher belocic VM sold in by all i vy Js CROUP grandmothers ADVICE family ot children my ria cold nd croup w onion it dy u it w aco abow my tk dr agami onion prepared ind more to tho bold erbor laak botus CO ona on a ka eo far it 0 choa by avny GOOD every patriotic citizen should give afa personal effort and influence t the circulation of his home paper which teaches the american policy of protection it is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible after the homo paper is taken care of why not ab for the ECONOMIST published by the american protective tariff league one of its correspondents says no true american caa get alon without it I 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher ia the united state send postal card request for free address man general 5 west 3 SILVER IRON WORKS E UTAH are open for business with new machinery new tools and new patterns with the latest improve rients for getting out work iron and brass casting and general dorir pipe fitting for stem water etc A t the old sun foundry location WM J SILVER sapt L MJ BABBETT manager lor THE foreign Fro aptly abuan t rooms 1011 and 12 excelsior block oboe a fi fidena ienA yke cau caused seQ 0 OLYn Weste are you willing to work for the cabio of protection in placing reliable information in the hands of your acquaintances if you arc you hould be identified with THE AMERICAN protective TARIFF LEAGUE W ST cut thi oat and end U to abe lt afa lehni your md helping baad aas G afi i ta aud trado marlis obtained and all put tbt busi less conduct for modera OUR omec is OPPOSITE u s omat lapid we can patent in lesa time hr those remote from washington feud model drawing or photo ettli t taca we advise if or nor free ol 01 j charba our fee not due tiu patent is secured a A how 3 obtain with came in tha US bad foreign country coun tri lentice address OPP atthe omal 0 C fia As old as the hills and nver e bicell el tried and proven is the verdict 0 f millions S immons liver regulator is the only liver and kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a tr alvi A 8 cure 1 tjui mild laxative and purely vegetable acting pills on the directly liver and kidneys try it sold by all druggists in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea the king of liver medicines I 1 have used your Simmons liver regulator and can conscientiously say it is the klap of all liver medicines I 1 consider it a chest in itself GEO W JACKSON tacoma wr O EVERT R the Z stamp in reil on LAND PATENTS secured for settlers in the shortest possible time CONTESTED CASES contested cases intelligent v and I 1 handled OLD CLAIMS AND DISPUTES old claims and disputes speedily settled tOX TESTS between individuals having conal acting claims ander the agricultural land laws and bhoge between claimants under the and claimants and alo al o between claimants under any of the pill lie land law a and thy railroad companies arni ther granlees grantees gran tees under the swamp LAND aid SCHOOL LAND GRANTS made of securing patents in the BD possible time for eel tiers who fully complied with the laws under which their entries were made and who are annoyed and worried bv belavs in the iesue ot their patents caused by TRIFLING which can be easily and removed advice aleo giyen all matters relating to the public lands especially on point a arcsine under the naw laws which have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain if you waist your and patent in a hurry if oi your land business of any character attended tu by skills ful and competent attorneys and promptly disposed of write to PRESS COMPANY JOHN general P box 0 C 0 H BERG carries a full line of UK a ooola WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and burl gaskets aud coffins of all white and black cloth covered AIR TIGHT CASKETS superseding the metai caskets orders by mail or dispatch die patch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade J street one block north of railway depot 0 H bock springs lump S nut castle gae lump castle gate nat pleasant valley an 1060 hauling per ton extra TARD TELEPHONE 17 mw the daily enquirer AND THE aglor ONE YEAR FOR EIGHT the price alone of the DAILY ENQUIRES ve cake pleasure in informing our subscriber that we have made arrangements THE COLORADO SUN publishing co to eleb our daily paper with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN at the very low price of eight dollars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN for in each case the subscription payable in advance tiie colorado weekly sun has secured a phenomenal circulation and coverer the entile field west of the missouri river CD it is a large echt pape and contains all the news of mhd world literary features mining news departments for the home the farmer and the children CASH muss accompany all orders address THE ENQUIRER CO provo utah for tickets and information apply to C pi ALEY agent R G W provo OR W F mcmillan LAN benl agent room dooly salt lake city ONS proprietors of 3 1 l A J 1 l i f V aab Js t corner and H streets telephone no 22 prevo utah HRS no equal stands alone as th G and care for rheumatism NO oo 00 od vj ally eu by and completa Comple tf onri parte CD aab bottle BROWNS sarsaparilla i noer DOWNS atno aged to be the best diarrhoea r 4 nil bowel complaints it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica i gino er and blackberry roots combined with arc ir tic anikin h an agreeable safe and effectual remedy sold by all O ellla cur constipation c 33 constipation ellla cure constipation cure a c v S j 1 l ea ofies is n 31 0 98 almost all ellla and medicine profuse here la pill that cares torpid rhom naUsia and and liver ll 11 troubles without or leaving any trace ot constipation which fj Is the prime cause ot til sickness becaro ot it getting habitual and you 33 eco to it in almo cheso will cure you p T S i XI PRENTISS rectifying RECTIFY ING PILL is lt mst 8 I 1 sa because it Is the only safe and harm leaa il 01 basy B iza aw remedy th atwill croly BEAUTIFY to clear tho flola and remove all bletcher blet chea the lacs try box and see tor your sai sail SOLO ONLY IN SCALED oo 00 cic by ga tarah jl B 0 sent bv mail on receipt of price i Prent las pills cure constipation premier ellla Prent laa I 1 pills cure constipation puia care lj THE ENQUIRER during the past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine HP r li lUuL THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to bend postage prepaid pre paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARRIER for one year to any subscriber residing re in the united states who will forward to us we bay recently introduced another feature to j 4 A department one thatis that is f s for in the united sterei Ste tei prepaid pre paid for one year THE aemi Y li i al 1 an entertaining and instructive monthly magazine ah oaie necessity asiong ae laid iea f atah we are prepared to receive biers ir make contracts for a yf ill descriptions estimates furnished vu ve have the facilities for the best and moat qualities of BRICK in any required saintel liddiard PROVO I 1 rui the t louii S 1 biti 0 s 4 ai semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY will be given one year with the daily enquirer for the price payable in advance and with the semiweekly semi weekly enquirer one year fir f ir only address your orders as follows THE ENQUIRER CO provo U ti THE mm bio rail load line of the world the only lire running two through fast trains dail lo 10 LEADVILLE COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER 19 1893 train no 2 leaves oden 7 00 am salt lako a m arrive at palblo a m colorado a m n m train 4 leaves a m lake p m arrive at palblo alop m goli rado p m denver 1130 p m connections mads springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coached Coa chea chair cars and kullmar bloomers bloopers bloo pers on all trails take the U R G and have a comfortable gnp and enjoy the scenery on the continent A b HUGHES 8 K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver colo B F NEVINS general agent salt lase city ut |