Show DAILY 7 1894 JOHN 0 manager tha number ia 27 local mention in this column 30 cente par line each insertion advertisements and changes most be office not later ihan 10 a m to inser on same dav brovo mail bervice U P bait lake closed pouch 7 10 K tn U P gome bouth 9 15 a BE K G W going east am BO W going Nort ti 8 am P goine north p m alana allna and ogden east 1020 pm llna and weal pm J P arom salt lake m 3 G W the a m B G W the east 9 05 m aden from ai galana and ogden giroua east 3 raj p m closed pousa salt lake U P mall brorn south p m lonba the beneral deubery deU stamp and betry windows open at 8 m and close it pm the money order window opens at 9 m and closes at 4 p m on sunday the general delivery and windows ae open fruat 12 m to p m desea postmaster awarded highest honors world s fair the only pure cream of tartar powder no ammonia no alum used in millions of HOOKS 40 years the standard DR ONE PILL FOR A DOSE 1 movement bobela each uy U necessary to abw pills tapply aliat ma ertem lacks tc they cure headache Head che eye md alear the complexion better than COB cetica they ak mildly ither pill do to you of their merits T frill maa aee or a naz for 35 cent acl co P bold by pyne maiben MOTHERS MOTHERS 11 to know that a single application of th Cuti cura remedies will afford instant relief permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing disfiguring itching burning and humors and not to use them without a delay is to fail in your duty cures made in childhood are speedy economical and permanent bold throughout the world AKS CHIM bole proprietors boston sa all mall edree 0 facial falling hair and simple baby rachea prevented by Cuti cura boap if tired aching moth I 1 era knew the comfort strength andi vitality in calicura Cati cura they would never be without wit hont them in every way the purest sweetest and best of plasters BEEF MUTTON 1 ORK VEAL and and PORK fat calves and dressed HOSTS wanted fre celii ery to any part of the city demoi ed from the oln eland opposite cibart house to dodd and deals restaurant tau rant madbea block noth no th of bank corner J E CHEEVER TO THE LADIES DEAR LADT if vou are troubled with painful and irregular periods take DR DIE world renowned prescription we give written guarantee to perman enily core in two treatments or your money price for one trial treatment write or call en lady manager salt lake medicine co 56 SECOND SOUTH ST salt lake city utah patients unsuccessfully or imposed upon by others especial invited to call H fi can be found at his old buBi nees in the BASEMENT shaving hair cutting and breising Dr eising done in the moat expeditions and approved styles call and eee him t H E AT PYNE DRUG STORE AN elegar LINE 0 AND mm coodie aji give ma a call aej I 1 wilt make right prices wis HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOSI APPROVED 05 EOAL E O IN THE gerbl i justices Jast ices of the peace attorneys end all bl auk i will find it to their Adv aota to order brom ns FULL STOCK of wholesale as well as retail bigeh will kei eidd the best attention COMPLETE r OF stationery 1 our prices ar way down prompt attention given to lail orders PROVO BOOK stationery CO CITY UTAH GEO S TAYLOR manger on a long time at low rate of interest on farm anywhere in the county and improved city property in provo provo utah can buy their school supplies from us at home glnn abroad try Us students get special inducements stationery legal blinks typewriters bicycles and all educational and athletic supplies 11 11 11 II 11 1 B a li abt FOR you will find a place for it when you see our winter display of quality and our stock needs nothing but buyers they will come they will be satisfied they will buy at TB r ST F blib I 1 ff f 6 ff B I 1 ibid hn flip ayi bah visitors are not asked to belie velnia are shown goods to convince them that we are leading the trade in ft M e s S B B v 9 vt v jf A en s and boys boods and v ay 0 OUR fiRO CERY STORE WILL RE OPEN ON with a new and complete stock of if you want to the purchasing power of your spend it with GROCERY ja j CM oli stani f Wy Sl |