Show FIRST OF HOOFED ANIMALS iuppo ed to have lived on rie ago in the rooms of prof E D cope at philadelphia the person fortunate enough gogain admission says the st louis republic may see the creature winch all naturalists natura lists are unanimous in pronouncing the first representative of the hoofed animal species the animal is not alive neither is it entire so faras far as flesh and blood are concerned abut to the paleontologist who cares ionly for the bones the speed men is perfect it is not larger than a yearling calf and not nearly so tall in ther wind river bouc try in wyoming prof cope named it prima avus when it was first discovered giving it as his opinion that it was akin to a specimen which was found several years ago in france the paleo therium and which save cuvier and alie other naturalists natura lists co inich trouble to classify at the time of the discovery of the french specimen the savanis savants of enrobe decided that it was the ancestor of hoofed critters but the wind river fossil which is easily distinguished as being a type of the same is believed to be much more jacient copes curiosity was found in rocks belonging to the eocene period and the time when it grazed on the western prairies has been placed as far back as five hundred thousand years every bone is perfect and in place and the specimen could not be purchased for thousand dol lars |