Show A BEARS REVENGE old grizzly lie in walt for the possible mr theodore grizzly bears in his book the wilderness hunter relates a story told him by dr merrill of the united states army A remarkable incident mr roosevelt calls it dr merrill in company with an old hunter was following an elk trail in a deep narrow canyon on turning a comer of the canyon the two men were charged on by an old she grizzly so close it was only by bagood good one of their her and sent her rig over a b ank where she was easily finished i they found that she had been lying directly across the game trail on ai smooth well beaten patch of bare earth which looked as if it had beell dug up refilled and trampled down examining this patch curiously theli saw a bit of hide only partially cov s ered at one end and on digging they found the body of a well grown grizzly cub its skull had been crushed and the brains licked out and there were signs of other injuries the hunters pondered long over this strange discovery and many guesses as to its meaning at last they decide d that probably the cub had been killed and its brains eaten eithern by some old grizzly or by a cougars that the mother had returned and driven away the murderer and that she had then buried the body and lain above it waiting to wreak her vengeance on the first passerby passer by I 1 |