Show advice THEIR EVIL RESULTS mens mission should he to ave not to doivo to kuin editor suppose we think little of number oce suppose we all help some one else to havelin hav elun suppose we neer of the faults of a friend suppose ve are ready our own to amend we laugh with and not at other folk and never hm t anyone juanc for a joke oppose we ande trouble and show only cheer ti s likey well have quite a happy new year it is immaterial to the writer who ie he author of the eight lines quoted above they ot very ex cellena suggestions and are worth committing to memory and repeating ovar frequently in fact suppose we vote to cany out ev iry enunciated in those lines to do it and ye shall find power to do it I 1 remember reading not long ago in THE an article concerning a amdal that WAS going the rounds of the gaiden city blighting the reputation of innocent will not i laefer day saints learn avit if ye have ought against your neighbor go to him in a manly or womanly manner with a view to reclaim a brother or sister but says the gossiper gosa iper 1 I have no feelings against A or B only I 1 think it terrible that A should do such a thing or that B would elop to commit an art of that kind well what haa he done dene why have you not heard abo of scandal that are aft bat in the air it is in evera ones mouth well do you believe it 13 yea then why in the name of commac benee dont you go to A and ask him or her if there is adv truth in the suroor if you begard the as being of sufficient importance to repeat to the third parson go to him directly and brother A it ears and I 1 am told that the same is heinz circulated in the town that T u have done such and such a tiling or things now I 1 coma to you before going to any one else to ascertain what you lave to say I 1 do not desire to anand my time listening to report or gossip when it is to the of any person now if there is any truth in the report give it to me if none then I 1 am prepared to assist in blotting out a rumor of that kind god haa been sa gracious and towards his people as to re veal a caution to them against tb e prak e that ia so aall coios so ciet here it 19 and if thy oro her or bister off nd thee hu shall take him or her between him or her and tt 6 1 alone ami if lift or confess be reconciled there are of fences that be rebuked ir a cret others so pubic t at they should come before the pubic for correction there is a feature be theae tha many are in J H girg froni their actins to ignore it IB that c ass of off faey that encil En lil bo settled in f interests every laemmer of the church moro than the other censa of offenses offe nees hoie is the law touching matter if any shall trend IB he or bhe shall be rebuked in secret that he or she div have opportunity to confess in secret to him or lier whom he or she has crittend ed and to G ul that tha church may not ach fully of him or her doc and guv mo adult member of the ia so ignorant a cottu be abe to see the great importance of his command of god for ethcie are nona probably who have not lad occasion to embrace its benefits and without a doub many have beju the victims of the caprice of those who have willfully disregarded its mandates now who 11 the greater of fender ahme who commits a bardan able wrong in secret or the one who it broadcast by gossip that which was within his power to ear actu ally settle and thus eave a brother of sister has been magnified the derous tongue may blight the hooe of another and hurl him or her into an abass of dispain di casting reproach apon the church when 0 when will wa learn thosa lessons of salvation I 1 nave heard men express pride even to because thy have converted and baptized baptised sed a few adelta into the church now if a brother or sister old or be md from vice of adv kind should not reward be as great the one sheep that strayed the fold the act when returned to the old than the ninety and nine that went not think of it for a moment let eyers man esteem his brother as Lims cl will a man go through the city and herald to the four winds bis indi vidue sin no rhen why pounce upon boar brother li ne the hyena and destroy a reputation that you possessed the power to aavo I 1 have thought that even public men showed indiscretion in dealing with the tion of men from the pulpit and otherwise in the absence of the parties not giving them an opportunity of buering a defence or even an explanation sur h a policy Is directly in to the revelation of god I 1 sav most solemnly that an offender should hive aba of confronting his accuser whether in private or public or public tian what are investigations into wrong doing instituted for to banish debarb and distro to reclaim if to reclaim than there can be no harm in giving the offender ever possible open and frea chance to establish bis innocence no person should be allowed to beatify adint au accused person es capt in hie presence A witness should not testify against en of lending brother for tho of seeing him condemned hosfor the atle purpose of correcting an evil it is not the man that be destroyed desti oyed but the sup pressing of vil and th preservation of a healthy community the witness wh wih tell lota of when the ac cuseto is not present and dare not tell the arnth when be is present is a moab coward an unsafe witness II 11 |