Show kito tn X WAR LAWYERS 1314 and 15 union block ROO aroyo CITY UTAH TOMAN AT LAW 1 bank CITY UTAH SAMUEL A KING rr LAW booma 5 and 7 bank bunding PROVO UTAH J W fi AT LAW 11 and 12 oom and bank building PROVO CITY UTAH JOHH AT LAW yock up PROVO CITY UTAH J F HOYES M D aad sargeon excelsior block over pyne dank store PROVO CITY UTAH EE attorney at law koom 9 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH D B HOUTZ attorney AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney at law rooms 1 2 3 and 4 martins bank alde PROVO airy oiry UTAH J E AT LAW OFFICE 23 N J street peoro city W B EARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plans special city surveyor Sarve U S mineral office at court mouse UTAH ATTORNEY AT collection agency office bank banding PAYSON UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON AT rooms 4 and 5 reed smoot block UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO 4 me curtain M 2 PHYSICIAN office palace bloch residence Reaid ence 2 blocks east bank corner residence telephone no 45 office no 28 UTAH SAM JEP landscape UTAH coraor r and jtb street PATENTS atit ana chusuei Hu suei and all other in alta t edt y ai ore itie promptly prompt lz 1 A of lc 1 arni add ad 10 r te t e oi tasy oal v A atar i 01 personal 1 I rS hate luptar uP Tar r kromat D y tor tat mor auw au for jiin ito my ailcia apsell ps ell on J R LITTELL y ithol and attorney in patent cauger D 0 8 patent effim i BJES attorn cy at law in tharman office bank building PROVO CITY UTAH S H ALLEN aliya cian surgeon B 0 W hailway Hail wiy TELEPHONE NO 50 office at residence smoot brick house 1 block baat of CITY UTAH F H SIMMONS and surgeon office no 34 center street in hed quist bloc k PROVO CITY UTAH R B E L JOKER knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTA H F F FEED bave all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND WORK A SPECIALTY work loom excelsior block provo dr WS Holdaway jr DENTIST formerly y dr J N opposite post office J st CITY UTAH A LADYS TOILET 1 Is not complete g without an ideal ta issa m las y combines every element ofia V beauty and purity it is J dying soothing healing health I 1 ful and harmless and when L rightly used is invisible A most delicate and desirable protection J to the face in this climate H insist upon having tha gealine gea aine y jt is FOB SALE g PROVO CoDi mercial and sabins PROVO CITY UTAH capita DIRECTORS reed smoot breet D T csak k vice preat joan jones A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L S hills J R general banking business transacted trens acted 5 per cant interest int erast on savings deboa ta four times a year AND ALL KINDS OE MUSICAL AND SEWING MACHINES tuning and Pc pairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store award THE ef 5 i dl EIGHT PAGES EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison the baget biget beat and brightest news and family journal published in america PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be sent FIFTEEN MONTHS FOR ONE DOLLAR to adv reader of this paper noi new a subscriber to ane rhia BLANK MUS BE used to secure beneat of this extraordinary offer ari 4 ant ab wor three months free subscription fill in your name lloil 11 hlll post office aud state and mail with ONE DOLLAR bank vu draft poat office or express money order or registered letter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copies of will be sent frea on application to GLOBE HUNTING CO st louis mo herewith Hare with find 1 00 for which aind to given below ann GLOBE democrat twice every week for FIFTEEN as per your special offer to readers published at aroyo city butali name of subscriber post office state ba sure to use this blank it is worth three months free subscription i 1 l pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN jtb TWETY SECO YEAR only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties comprising the first judicial district than all other combined the ENQUIRES is the oran of republicanism protection and tho encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription see top of first column on second page i J may FRAGRANT gat yc ETTES a ej esaa A THE finelt TOBACCO WE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN H MAKING arte amen can tobacco 0 o successor no MORE BACK ACHE ROUBLES t ete faC constipation 01 BLADDER ALL KIDNEY DISEASES s THE m rio Baili oad scenic line of the world the only line bunning two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE COLORADO AND DENVER EFFECTIVE APRIL 29 1894 train no 2 it aves 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado a m denver 1030 a m cripple creek 95 a entrain no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at Pueblo Colorado springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches chair cars and pars on all trains take the 0 R G and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on continent shortest line tt Cr ripple creek colorados gold camp train no 2 laying provo at a m arrives at cripple creak next morns ing A b H S K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver colo denver colo B F NEVINS general agent salt lake city tat tray pass act IF YOU ARE GOING to ae CITY ST bours or any point east and wish to benov a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the bocky mountains be sure to ask for a ticket that reads via the no tiresome layovers Lay overs cloae connections in and positively the quickest route herja crabl to the great rivers and atlantic ee aboard elegant and thoroughly colern equipment aej chair cara in which the seats are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V commercial freight pass abt room 21 morlan block salt lake OR H OTOWNSEND general st louis mo HEW SERVICE TAKE R G W lly leaving Provo p m con necking at denver with ithe burlington ROUTE train tor omaha kansas city at joseph st louig ad chicago 3 through pullman pers free dining carb A la carte secure lickers lick ets at i RG WRy office to R F WF tw fisi ast aieaz 11 over no 10 W beconi bouab at A sure cure for piles itching files are known by moisture cf lusin intense itching when warm abia form as well as blind bleeding or Pr yield at once to dr Bo pile remedy which acts directly on parts affected tumors it hinc an 1 ancs a permanent care 50 ctr or mail circulars free dr Bosan lio philadelphia pa sold by pyne maiben por sale A 15 horse horizontal engine and ap feht boiler almost new can be pur chadd together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box provo acty for sale the entire stock of the late win har ripon tinsmith will he sold in aulk or job lota at a bredt Bce bida will be ed tor the next 30 days address W 0 harrisod Harr isoo Soft nish fork or provo city box 6 am W G for over dikty rears MRS WINSLOWS SOOTHING has been for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success it soothes the child softens the turns allays all pain cures wind colic mcl Is the lest remedy for diarrhoea it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately sold by Drug ginta in every part of the world twenty five cents a bottle be sure and ask for mrs Win syrup and take no other kind all aal aol dr miles sorra plaster FIRST OF IU vw imm baisi A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE Q oakney tayloe E F S 8 JONES D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york chicago ban francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards conducted i I 1 oua is OPPOSITE PATENT tad cart secure in less time r i scid or photo with i kioa wc adrose if or not free ota 1 cb uee our fee not due till talent is secured A HOW obtain patents cost of diroe in the U S and i bent free af ew i ea 8 1 W 00 f appi PATENT 0 C axa ya J DIAMONDS SWATCHES AT jewelry u ayue maidens Mai bens drug store j et LOOK OUT FOR big stock of holiday goods spec abeles scientifically adjusted to all sights without extra charge m m riga aka J inifi largest assortment and lovest prices bata prompt tt cure for lois of hanhold Han hood seminal self distrust lost of memory ac wll make you a STRONG vigorous van palca 6 coxes fa CO social directions maldeis with each box address CB MO SA ORDERS SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application SAVINGS BANK main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 fsr interest paid on de posts of or mare aud compounded four times a bear afan IH LS tuat CO capital full paid J E DOOLY president W S mc ati c secretary abil cahier ca hier WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST APPROVED ah as IN THE TERRITORY justices of the peace attorneys and all others requiring blanks will find it to their advantage to order from ua fuh stock of school supplies wholesale as well as retail buyers will receive beet attention COMPLETE S A eav everything IN assortment OF THAT LINE our prices are way down prompt attention given to mail orders PROVO BOOK AND stationery CO brovo trovo CITY UTAH CEO STAYLOR manger manufacturers of and dealers in PT alq FT HTTP guaranteed dmd s our |