Show A miracle in texas A MARVELOUS CURE investigated BY THE TEXAS CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE the wonderful experience of a well known texan suffered untold apody given up to die his recovery astounds the medical profession fes sion from the texas christiaa advocate A special of tho texas christian advocate was detailed to w to longview Long view and maka a full investigation of the reported ted cure of E that has created so ranch talk throughout the state arriving at ane depot there wag no trouble in finding mr spaulding be beins well known to everybody in that city after introducing himself the christian adv cati representative said mr spaulding I 1 itaru that for years you were a great sufferer in fact a cripple and that you were at last cured and by a new dincov ery in medicine if yon have no objection will tail relate your experience in reply mr spaulding related the following about echt years aeo while locomotive I 1 contracted sciatic rheumatism in mv left sida from mv leip down it cams on slow but ure and in a few months I 1 lost control entirely of thit member it wag buat the same as if it wis w is paralyzed I 1 was to move out of mv room for a year and a half six of which time I 1 was hed ridden 1 tried every remedy eug geared and had regular physicians in constant attendance on me f wag bundled up and sent to hot where I 1 ebent three montha under the treatment of the eminent specialists all of which did me no ghou and I 1 came back from the springs in a worse condition than when I 1 went the physicians at hot springs told that there was no for which waa tho same edict of mv doctors at before and after I 1 acm to the spring I 1 came home and lai J flat on my hack and dred tho most atins iea screaming in pain every time anybody walked across the room the only ease I 1 obtained was from the constant ue ot opiates after three months of this kind of agony which time my entire left leg perished away to the very bone roy attention was callad to anew remedy called dr williams pink pills for pale people by mr allison who is now train dispatcher who wag relieved of lo 10 comitor ataxia of twenty epars duration at his urgent and repeated solicitation I 1 consented to give them a trial after taking a few boass I 1 bagan to improve I 1 continued jakine the pills and kept on until I 1 wap finally cured mv lee is I 1 the same siar as the other I 1 one and I 1 am sure that pink pille not only cured me but saved my life the next visited tho drue store ot dr 0 H S ainsbury ais bury a appu r physician a graduate of one of ohp mid ical schools of kentucky and a man who enjoys the of everybody in Ang view he raid 1 I know that mr line 1 ai a terribly severe aach of rheumatism of which I 1 tried to cure him everything every thine known to profession in vain and recommended him to co to hot springs H came back from the WOI SP than when he went and I 1 it haq onla a matter of time until ha heart would be and lip would die 1 alo al o know that his cure is the direct of the ue of dr williams pink kiili that is rather an couil uil for a regular to make doctor I 1 know it ia ant a fact is a fact and there are hundreds of ceocie here in who know that what I 1 say is the truth I 1 alpo know mr allison and know thai he sai sa i relieved of a genuine and severe cape of ataxia of twenty years standing he i a talented old gentleman and ia onn of the most enthusiastic advocates of pink dr williams pink pails contain in a condensed form all the elements cerps sarv to civo new life and richness to the blood and re shattered nerves they are an unfailing for cuch diseases as ataxia partia f paral st vitus sciatica neuralgia neural pia headache the after enata of la chono of the libart pale and completions complexions complex ions and all f aims of either in mala an 1 female pink pills are sold by all dealers or will be sen post paid on once 50 anh a box or 6 bobea for 25 chev ara sola is balk or by the by adoro aine dr williams medicine co schenectady N Y |