Show UNDER the p besent tariff law the woolen goods is down to aae mills in utah while kept anning by pat otic home patronage are not in a bood on to enne enn e nome competition t is enough or ahem to compete with importer im portel goods 1 be move p therefore made to cobeo the two leading woolen pleats in utah the P ovo woodlea ni 11 ll and the dessiei De seiei mis at natlae Sat Lae aoe bency one ses 0 trave lag one bet of coald ibea do the two a e now ed ia woud also of more bokin each plant on goods the constant rear red to all kinds of cloa ai aoe all incur reat eleose ep eose oce mill say worling in dress boods and the oho in flannels abee is an in labor we are assured ahab the not result ia closing the P ovo mills if any be closed for here the cheaber motive power and bokin wo kin elisi |