Show COMPOSING ON THE MARCH melody came to him in the kanke and it almost caused benvenuto coronado Cor the composer recently published some reminiscences in one of the italian musical papers he was serving once in the army and was ordered to take part in a long march on the way a melody came to him he could not pet rid of it lie heard it above the toots of the trum pets and the beat of the drums suddenly the fear possessed hm that he foi act the etwas necessary to write it dow n courage he drew his notebook from his pocket and began to write of course he lost his place in the ranks and the sergeant hurried tow ard him are you crazy he asked take your place in the company at once but I 1 cainoy cried coronado Cor I 1 must write this down and he began to whistle the tune in the face of the under officer ahat nas too much SITS the composer he drew ins sword and was about to strike me over the back when the captain appeared the made a report while I 1 continued to write hat are you writings writing 0 thundered the captain I 1 handed him the notebook which he read quickly the man is to continue writing he went on but if that piece and lie pointed to the sheet of piper in nn hand is not played by the band tomorrow to morrow morning he will be put in prison for eight da s lie then put spurs to his horse and dis ip feared 11 lie band pla ed the piece on the follow ing day |