Show inside the lines oar able contemporary the oden standard very emphatically declares that it will do its fighting i the party we are glad to hear it but when the standard tells ne that those eastern republicans have denied the faith and begins denouncing noun cing such man as TOM BEED declaring deo laring they ro not republicans then the question naturally ansas do the standard and those eastern republicans belong to the same party there would nat brally be some doubt about it the populist movement move mant started in kansas by a lot of republicans declaring their right to criticism criticise critic ise the party in general ana read members out of their ranks whom they did not favor they read J J out of the party m one county and of their strange action the party had some doubts how these independent republicans public ans would vote mr WAS sent down to talk to them and he began hia speech by saying chere ure kinds of eggs good eggs bad eggs and doubtful eggs but know ania he said a doubtful egg is always u bad egg we would like i he augden standard to do nothing in its zeal for free coinage of silver that will cast a doubt onles republicanism it cannot afford to say that certain great meu in our raula are not because they do not agree with us on the silver question all papers in the west should of course stand up tor silver and criticism criticise critic ise the action of eastern sta temen who cater to gold bg influences fluen ces but republicanism embraces more lhnn the silver question and we ought to be liberal enough to allow meu acu remain in the parly who differ with ua on shia question |