Show i 1 va I 1 TH E 23 1893 directory DIRECTOR 3 john E booth president john henry smith vice J ja 0 O graham goo geo Sath crr rp john W turner 0 D glazier J JE R boshard SECRETARY AND TREASURER I 1 M jensen john 0 graham manacek Ma Nia entered at the Post at grovr as second class matter mattera 1 TERMS OF subscription SUBSCRIPT TON I 1 I 1 RY BY MAIL POSTAGE 1 1 D a one ona year 48 W parts part of a year tier month 30 semi bemi advance 2 ac TO CITY subscribers daily delivered sunday excepted 80 cents per er month A address man co provo city utah avi 1 where deli delivery verv is la irregular please make complaint compla mx at the office or throng h telephone no 27 I 1 3 kep on file a 8 I 1 F iti floia 0 dabele ad verti sin g slid 63 5 ex i san arancis Er ancis d ca cal 1 l J where bi b i nilo for it L LP P agent 21 merchants ls exchange sail ban franciseo P r anc iseo Is hiir authorized 0 agent this asp paper 1 la Is ir kept e pt 8 on n alle ft is in his office has a circulation that mat I 1 ll 11 every week that of all ill ahe P other in central and southern utah combined in utah county it has a circulation that exceeds that of all the other territorial papers combined I 1 arnica salve the tha best salve in the world for cuts bruges soras ulcers salt rheum fever sores bores chapped hands abil blains blaids corns come and all skin erupt eruptions eions and positively cares piles or n nj ni i pay required e it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents centa per box for sale by smoot drug co 1 t COMPOUND A rece recent t discovery by nn na old 3 physician successfully ir asal us ed I 1 by bv thousand chousa n of f I 1 ladin Is 13 tho only perfectly aly I 1 safe and 1 reliable medicine discovered news beware of ct unprincipled p principled druIs ts vac offer offe inferior in medicines la in place of this ask for cooks cotton root hoot Compon nil tal tale e ro no tute or 81 and 6 cents in postage in etter and we vre will send bend sealed by return ma man 11 particulars in plain envelope to ladles only 2 s stamps 1 ada addrena s rond pon d lil lily 7 co m vany no kosisher 3 flab block detroit men sold in provo city and ever where re til bi all druggists z HIP V W fa P 9 am 0 ri easily quickly permanently restored WEAKNESS I 1 NERVOUS nervousness bess I 1 DEBILITY DEBi UTY and alt all the lie train of eirlis rl broin 0 o early e r or later r I 1 I 1 elcess eh the t 1 1 lr nor I 1 a e of 1 I 1 I 1 eok e ok sickness I eks J worry r etc I 1 I 1 de development and tone toie to ie giyen to every organ aed it irti n ot of tho the body t simple la I 1 bied immediate r e nl ilia been 3 I 1 htiu P itic 11 Z bila and priora dilill ni mailed lill healed ee aled tree re ERIE MEDICAL CO BUFFALO N Y Q 0 4 s 0 4 a I 1 0 4 if I 1 I 1 I 1 IL e 4 1 I b ak 0 e I 1 0 sets mets am 1 P 10 3 caper LOO boule U Cs ceres cough throat croup promptly relieves whooping cough and tor for t aon jt it has no rival has haa cured cored shousan w where h re all L 11 others failed will cunz CUKE TOO rou if taken in time sold bylo ty on ua rantee for lame back or cheat h use 8 am LOI rs Is PTA H I 1 L 0 HS P kc ATAR I 1 I 1 H I 1 REMEDY jiahe a ve you catarrh t abla ramsay d toed to cure you I 1 ro rodrik Erik I 1 I 1 suffers ir from am Idys dyspepsia have hav tile in selves to blam blarney eif they fai letoi test tile wonderful curative cura tiye oft i ay ri arilla in purifying the h hoota this medicine strengthens every or gan ol 01 the body and even the most abused bl d 9 stomach la is soon r stored ic ioa healthy action 1 take simmons liver regulator in donth and you will enjoy a green old age clinton mr A L Arma armstrong trong an old dro geist and a prominent citizen of thi this enter arising town says 1 I sell SOL bome me for forty tv different kinds of coign medicines but bat have never in in my exper experience ieni e sold eold so 80 much of any one article Rs aa I 1 have of ballards horehound byrna all who use it say it is the most moat perfect remedy fremed for colah cold consumption and all al 1 diseases of the throat and lungs they have bava ever tried it la a a specific for croup and whooping cough it will relieve a counti in one olle minute contains no opiates sol sold d by smoot drug co 3 tobacco users smile Soine sometimes thines I 1 when told that tobacco hurts burn them t their h air wives w ives never do da because shattered nerves weak eyes chronic catarrh and lost manhood man hood tells the story if your husband uses tobacco yoi yo want wani him to quit post vours yourself elf about no to hac the wonderful harmless harmles 3 guaranteed tobacco 0 o habil cure by sen bendine diniz for on our r little book entitled dont tobacco co spit and smoke your life away mailed baided I 1 free drug stores generally sell noto no to I 1 bac THE STERLING REMEDY CO 1 Indiana Mineral scribes Sc rines In indiana disna brooklyn E S N amay Y may 25 91 MR mn LICHTY lian r r des moines DEAR SIR Enc enclosed losea please fin for which I 1 would like you to send toe ine the worth ot of in kroulas Kro Krou headache CLIP capsules some ti time me ago my wife was in If I 1 fan artford ford conn and stepped into baw Saw litts dr drug u g store where they gave her a sample box of them they were just what she needed haya failed ailed f to 10 find them here so bend to you fur for I 1 ihen I 1 n will you kindly send sen d thereby et mail at your earliest convenience and yours youra truly D T H UXTER 1 TERRIBLE M misfortune 0 many v S t F i ft today the cry cry of mis misfortune fortun fe banever heard without a responsive throb of sympathy from those who he hear ar it thousands who have had bad grippe lagrippe la which leli leit them with that constant conEita nt tired worn out feeling sleeplessness lull dull ha adache do de pres Biou siou bys inseria tn seria leria p t tc u have often prayed for relief r lief a and pl are olit nini ini is i from dr miles atiles rea Resto tori rathe tive Nervi uc 11 lew edvart Ei art macy 11 ilcy jn in tl aay your year Ner vitie hat liag jouret anred I 1 uie ne of vroy iro lynnr V adi r nent B s nl ill it was two rw 0 bottles of 0 nervina ell r d of bick be headache adache I 1 chas wilber pamra JJ ya ysolda YS olds od a aarant ua rant i tyne cn gfall or tile the doctors book new and inz ine cacti crep 5 I 1 4 1 7 I 1 republicans iq I 1 attention A county convention of the republican publican party of utah counti kilk be held beld in spanish fork on saturday 9 september ep at 11 ft am adfor in for the cpr purpose pose of nominating I 1 one 8 sheriff and one county 1 i t of dietr district ule and lur fur the consideration of such other business as may 1 property properly come before ilia convention said sa I 1 d convention ain to co consist urist of delegates the ta ap apportionment portio allmon t to the several precincts is a as s follows alpine 5 ap P VT unction junction 1 Ame american fork 9 gaeni 6 benjamin 2 skiing lake 1 clinton alioto I 1 23 cedar fort I 1 fork 13 Fairfi fairfield did 2 ait anin 4 goshen 2 3 highland I 1 ar I 1 I 1 lake shore 3 provo let lat ward 9 lave view 2 and 2nd ward 10 lent leai 26 3rd ard ward 14 mapleton 3 ath ward 12 15 ath ward 14 pleasant grove 13 provo bench 3 1 roti 2 it is is requested that the several precincts i its in the county meet in primaries and elect the delegates to said convention not later than wednesday tep september fember it fc is is also requested that each precinct elect a member of 0 the precinct to act as a member of the county central co committee m mit tee to I 1 be rati ratified hed by bf the t he convention said committeeman to be elected for the year the county central committee through its chairman and secretary recommend to the republicans of utah con county n ty to discountenance any measure tending toward putting a 1 citizens ticket in the field B by y order of the county central committee J E BOOTH 1300 Ch chairman lirman H 8 PYNE secretary Sere tary 1 I 1 A C gentleman ent leman I 1 who formerly form erly resided in connecticut but who now resides in honolulu writes tor for 20 years pasta past my wife I 1 I 1 and I 1 have used ayer ayers s pair hair vigor tigor and we attribute attrib uto to it the dark 01 hair which alch she and I 1 now hive have while hundreds J L of our acquaintances ten or a dozen I 1 I 1 years bouti younger than we 11 I 1 are headed white while or laid bald when 1 ew asked how our hair h has 11 1 1 retained its color ane an 4 w J fullness we reply by 1 A theli the use la ot ayers ayera hair I 1 Vigor nothing else in 1868 my affianced 1 ass was cleaf nearly ly bald and I 1 I 1 tho the hair I 1 tl kept falling fana falla A 11 out 11 every e v e r y day I 1 r induced 1 her to use ayers hair vigor and very soon bolin it not only checked any further loss othair of hair but produced an entirely new growth which has remained luxuriant and glossy flossy to this day I 1 can recommend this preparation to all la in nad need ofa bei inu genuine tiie hair restorer it Is iii all that it is claimed to tw te r amirun acarrus baltrop bastrop Ba Di sirop strop tex I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 AVERS I 1 ERS u afif I 1 I 1 i r i ai HA A 1 N i cok L 1 ej 1 I I 1 ZI 5 I 1 i I 1 V I 1 I 1 r bv AF n I 1 e TAKE IT TO I 1 rl f ap where everybody Every bod y rees to buy tb air I 1 P ad ants 00 ALL I 1 P P H carries the largest stock and sells bells tue the most Gio groceries ceries of any store in i thra this city cliv liete here are some of our prices ees t best engar 14 iba for ee all grades oradea per pat 25 ground offee X aci tree apa 3 be loose tea frow from iscis to ve ne H fib raisina and currants 3 ibs f 22 E rico rice v beit beat 3 aa 1 i IDS US 2 1 arnit jars pr per doz 75 one ofle eilart fruit jars ara per biloz anz 95 11 11 11 two illeane aal pleas grov giov flur bo I 1 hs alae patent fi flour 1166 50 U 11 ua a tha 1 15 bea S eaFon foam ih ali bour 50 ibs orade grade 60 50 lbs ibs bakera Baker kNo no 1 95 frag FredD delivery livery to q any part of city P prop I 1 aa garfien R 2 CITY 1 I 1 I 1 MEAT MARKET 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS BEEF MUTTON PORK VEAL BOLOGNA AND SAUSAGE free delivery to any part of the city CENTRE 1 BULL BULLOCK BROS Prop rs C CH luff booth cot co I 1 1 undertakers try ry j rill ill una llna of kl fisl roode WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i d 1 I walnut Rove rosewood wood ana bart barl ca teti I 1 and coffina Cof finst or of all sizes fixes abad t it UH al R TINT tp 1 ti alet metal ouske is orders orda by urail or promptly 1 r ended to 10 liberal DIsco discount uni given givan to tho trade awo dodrv north horth of bank provo city I 1 F ch aff I 1 boult and co I 1 4 4 7 SALA SAI Illy olt oil commission COMMIS SIOW T Tog nt ts to odeale nl etue patent cho nin I 1 laic in resell the rna jno moet ulal a nd navel oath tin age krafts ina leeor li lu two 3 caius 01 da works like lnagle wi to per tnt p agents making mailing sao 50 per week we wa wo ULO ant a agene general raJ agent lu iske lt clerge antory rn irn tory anil and appolos suo agen A rare 10 make monsy write W virtena 8 anu and alunro kiaser man U i X OM WM I 1 is 9 lw I 1 hows youra liver f Is the oriental salutation knowing that good health I 1 cannot exist without a healthy liver when the I 1 liver is torpid the bowels are slug sluggish giffi and con sti ti ge the food lies in in the stomach 91 ested 1 I 1 pois poisoning oiling the blood frequent headache ensues a feeling of lassitude despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is deranged simm simmons ons liver regulator has been the me means anso of restoring more people to beall health and happiness Eap happiness by giving eivins them t 1 V I 1 a healthy lover liver than any i agency irown known on oil earth 1 rt it has acts with extraordinary power and efficacy NEVER BEEN disappointed m As a general family remedy for dys dyspepsia gia torp torpid id iz liver iver co ti etc I 1 hardly elaw vc use a anything else and have never been d din appointed in the effect produced it seems to be almost a perfect core care fur for all diseases of the tha stomach ana and dowels W J macon Us I 1 vy i c f J 7 I 1 an I 1 r Z I 1 t v I 1 aa aai i t ai PROVO P W R W OVO CITY ift ITY PLAN IN u 0 pt q ila L b r OF I 1 I 1 sash doors doon Moul dings fjames all kinds of buil building 11 i ng aa avii C r i i 7 I 1 r i c finishing work a specialty 1 ito t 0 1 ir i i 13 EJ jr waria OJ 9 it U ff rp r U r Z F h ETLY CURED OR NO PAY no operation no dai no dav oa until cured fr roni om business vve ve refer you yoa to more than i 1000 patients in colorado and utah also national 1 banks banka in denver and mccormack mck co I 1 salt lake I 1 written guarantee t to 0 absolutely cure cur all 1 11 kinds of RUPTURE ot ol loth both sexes no mauor matar ol of I 1 I 1 I 1 how long lone standing I 1 examination I 1 the 0 E MILLER CO I 1 1 rooms booms and constitution blot I 1 ah opposite Z 0 31 I 1 salt lake SEND FOR FOH CIRCULAR i ROLLER b P W a IF I 1 1 N v t K I 1 1 3 y I 1 1 14 I 1 L A lc 44 1 4 I 1 z u i I 1 f I 1 1 1 i i I 1 w of 1 I 1 1 I 1 W I 1 1 7 ar I 1 ft 1 7 I 1 11 i s z V L t f A 1 ft I 1 arhe THE PIONEER FLOUR NULL MILL OF Vi tOVO having enlar enlarged oar premises we have now ample ston storine tze room for all the W raised this season in this thia neighborhood 1 I bring along your crop we have plenty of room for all of it Our facilities are unsurpassed for turning out first class clas flour of all grades as well as other abill products 3 which we wilt will exchange for wheat VT on reasonable terms or br sell for cash we guarantee fair and honorable treatment to our oar patrons we are here her e to stay and invite the people to stay with us if strict attention to business and the wants of our friends count for anything F W we shall succeed highest market prices paid for wheat iu in gash cash ra r I 1 J JL X W v V v hoover cash cx capital Nur surplus plus ZIONS SIGNS SAVINGS BANK BAK ali D TRUST GO CO salt jaae cit city 7 T 1 WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CANNON president vice president I 1 GEORGE M CANNON CAMION cabbler gabbier Gab Cab bier wilford woodruff lorenzo snow george georg Q cannon francis M lyman largest and oldest savings joseph F smith heber J grant branti bank in in utah anthon FT ff lund anglia anena M C cannon annon we your accounts T G webber H B clawson Cla weon we W pay pava b per tent cent i terest interest n james jick jack george reynolds aar on do d I 1 L G hardy write fr f r bartic clars 0 14 prentiss Pren tisa Rectify rectifying ing pills cure constipation frentzas Prent Fren laa Rectify rectifying ing pills cure vil 22 I 1 prentiss Rectify rectifying ing pills cure constipation prentiss pills curo cure constipation w fi d 0 fa P a rc g I 1 I 1 I 1 AL PILL ILL q a Z t 3 U FEM I 1 P 44 I 1 rn ra we att nn 1 1 ve I 1 9 a a 11 tc t r c t I 1 I 1 3 31 e A A U I 1 I 1 1 5 R c g aa almost an all pula pills b fd pro product duco hero here la is a rul rill th that t cures torpid b EE liver itter rheumatism indig ei tion sick headache and kidney and liver troubles without griping or leaving any 7 trace ot of constipation P PP d esa a djs v Is the prime cause ot of all sickness beware ot of it getting ha habitual bittua and chronic with you 9 ga cs eee to it la time these ellla will cure to you 05 rs R use PRENTISS rectifying RECTIFY NG ING pi PILL u tf a 4 30 EL Q LADIES A D I 1 E S because it Is the only we sate and harmless dr 1 J W 8 remedy that will s surely u IY BEAUTIFY the 6 1 zo A 2 j 00 M I 1 9 W anz A oa 02 asro ts im ii m a u u clear the de skin and remove tho f laca try a box boi and see lor your I 1 1 wu salt 25 cents ator wn Mir 41 B f BY ALL DRUGGISTS as 4 33 31 sig R 1 or cent t by mall all upon receipt of bricq by oc 38 laa I 1 0 55 o prentiss chemical and manufacturing co 0 gg o 1 3 1 california STREET SAN FRANCIS FRANCISCO CO SA AL ia 5 a ok pills cure cum constipation kronus s almli dying pills cure 56 q prentiss rectifying Rectify ing pills eara cure P tidying z 0 0 1 ire |