Show the rebate probate add ol of if tail county y has recommended to the county court that in view ot of the present t hard thides the court reduce the salar salary y of compensation of all county office offic pra rs one hat har we trint abisia this is about right and we commend it to the court of emery county the taxpayers tax payers cann cannot ot get oyer over one half as much for anything that they may lave to market that they could one year ago and the lanor er cannot jr at t as much for hm big toil a was RR f merly paid aud and finds it V t abtin work at any price we believe the members of 0 the court should sit bit for two dollars a day we believe all other officers should be paid in proportion we believe the fees attached to the clerks office sufficient remuneration for services rendered the clerk receives in salary fees etc about per year this we believe to be too muan money for a rendered the county is paying 50 per month for work tb that at a clerk would do for 60 the court should give this matter its attention the stringency zeney of the times demand relief of some kind and we know of no better way that it could be accomplished than by reducing the compensation cf county officials |