Show territorial items president woodruff and pa party arty ar rived home borne from chicago yesterday fooling fee ling well the hanauer smelter which has been closed for repairs was waa started up again on monday the troops of the sixteenth infantry stationed at fort for douglas are camping out for ten days daya under orders from general brooks in in command of the department Dep artmen of the platte they are at the foot hills bills just north of the fort the post haven mw mil at gold hill fiill cliflon mining district has just juat made at another iother assignment of gold consisting of worth to thia ibid city this mill mil with its capacity of 0 fifty tons of ore per day keeps going right along salt lake tribune county superintendent ot of Lc bools joeeph S peery has baa resigned on aci ae count of his adoption of another line of action and the county court has accepted tle tie resignation naming professor montah hall as hw successor standard utah potatoes are being shipped cut in various directions some have baye been shipped to texas where there is ap parent patently ly r good market t some are also being shipped to chicago it is believed there will be a good demand for our potatoes before the tha season is over the present presen t attendance upon the public schools of this city is the largest of any year in their history and the board of 0 education is in a dilemma over the roarn roam question yesterday erday arrangements were made for three additional rooms one each in iii the first second and third wards this however arill v ill not give employment to at ai y new teach era as the ples places have already been I 1 filled out oat of the ranks ogden standard matthew cliffa cliffard rd the unfortunate milleville millville Mill villa ville man who was wa so seriously injured by being struck with a log of wood wood becoming paralyzed from his hia neck to his hia feet is in a critical condition and is suffering buffering much pain from the recovery of sensibility in one of his hia limbs dr ormsby state i that it wes WEB a marvel that the man was not killed on the spot and that it is ia one of the most peculiar cases in his experience logan journal Jon raal thamas leader one of the owners of the artesian lee ice plant triet met with an accident which m anny ay iy result fatally tte tee gentleman b has charge archarge of I 1 the factory during the n night i hardly had hau d he entered the room before the stringers stringer a which held tho the frost pipes in place gave way way bury burbine iniz him under the great mass of pipes and ice the combined combi tied weight of which is about abou a ton and a half the 1 he most serious injuries sustained bylvia by mr leader were about the hea 1 I fortunately u the a ai ull all was waa not fractured but concussion on the brain may result the in jaried gentleman was waa removed to his home giyen given every medical medi caland and surgical aid ha was beiting reiting easier at ai a late hour last lait night deputy marshals mcgarry and lowe assisted by george Thom thompson peon passed through provo from beaver on yeater tester day afternoons tj U P train with a mis cella neona assortment ot of prisoners for pl the be penitentiary the tha party was as follows frederick W cook fornica tion five months Davi dAlphin richard robinson and henry riddle cattle stealing six months one year ani div five a years respectively robort BD B dalley alley adultery eighteen months william E jones stephen S barton and joseph P barton aul adultery au hery tery five months each reno reao joly jolly awaiting trial for grand larceny and reuben robinson Berrien sentenced ced to the reform scho al the latter was wag taken to ogden by depoty marshal lowe this moraine |