Show city and aoun county ty jottings cottings Jot tings 73 tsa 1 cautz lead I 1 fou FOB descriptions smoot cot sailome Sai Loae CURE the great cough and croup cure cere is ia for sale by smoot drug co rocket pocket size contains 25 doses only 25 5 cents chrisden Chr ilden love it 3 A GOOD many men man are tsang ta king of fishing fishi I 1 I 1 and hunting this fall for the market some new nets neta have been ordered for ume in utah like lake halls vegetable sicilian hair Reno restored gray hair to its original color and prevented baldness in thousands of cases it will do so eo to you moier to loan loaa on long lone time a a tow low rate of interest on farms in the county and improved city property in provo apply to don R coray provo proto f no now w is ia the time to get your family Gro groceries cerias cheap by leaving your orders at the provo coop i 1 S SK X ROBERTS assures nis nia customers that he ha is ia in a position to supply them with the best gasoline and c coal oal oil on the market at the lowest prices ta tius are more numerous in our city than they have been for many months some are willing to work in all that goes to strengthen and build up the system weakened by disease and pain ayers is the superior medicine mt dicine it neutralizes the poisons left in the system after diphtheria and scarlet fever and restores the debilitated patient to perfect health abai A labas horse fo for r eale or will trade lor for Iro produce duce veatch aj monahan union block fail to tickets for wednesday nights performance at the opera house boma every body should see aee join jennie 10 yeamans Ye amAna aa jane for health and happiness the boon of all mankind take simmons liver Beau lafor fans oysters at B F rie inere ant southworth block i always plenty of good bood mut mutton ton at Spec karts cash market markel i FD F D 31 D physic physician ian and nd surgeon office excelsior block proto i 4 THE patriotic order sons ol 01 america meet every thursday night those desiring to join the order please make application to any member ol of the order C E looss Past president da F F reed read the dentist has remove hn office to the grooms rooms formerly for meily occupied by the womans comans club oyer cyns mairena Ma Mal ibena bens drug store it tl 1 I up received on an savings da tt osita t J B R cashier supervisor visor U G chaws 0 haws estimates that it will take 1500 nearly the entire poll tax of provo district i to finish aniah the grading ot of the approaches approach esto to the new suspension eaB pension bridge over provo river people wholine who wh olive live in now new countries are liable to bo be rated by malarial fevers favers Inh inhabitants abitanta of cities by reason of bal bai drainage dia inage and unwholesome odors suffer buffer from ii similar milar diseases ayers ayera ague care is ia warranted a i specific for all malar malarial lal poisons SEATS BEAT for the jane performance will be on sale tuesday morning next i OAr WA war 11 A ranted for sale by smoot druz drug co 6 per cent paid quarterly on depos depo aita its at ak peoro commercial Oam Cam mercial t bank FAMILY wa washing hing 5 cents per pound at thelroy the troy steam laundry of provo B F has opened his hia restaurant r one door west neat ol of hines hinea drug drag storer floore in Southworth worth clock everything first class he will be pleased to see bee his hia old patrons 2 w BEE keepers will d do 0 well to consult aeo W mickel provo prove before nes ing their supplies for 1693 f provo commercial savings bank pays 5 per cent late interest reet on an savings deposits interest compounded four times i x year vear 4 Ds da B S H allen alien office and residence smoot brick house one block east of tabernacle bernade ra telephone 50 f A GREAT treat is in store for provo theatre goers in the performance perform anca of Jana bya great company at the opera house on Wad wednesday nesda y night boxt |