Show TEE wivel wives ot of siamese noblemen out cut their hair so that it sticks straight up from their heads beada the average length of f it is about aninch an inch and a half khz a s secular turkish sect out cut off the head bead of anyone who inadvertently speaks the word devil satan or anything with a similar meaning tax belief is prevalent in the east indies that both the viper and the asp stop their ears when alien the charmer is uttering his incantations by turning one ear to the ground and twisting the point of the tail into the other AMONG the in surinam a son in law is at the peril of his life never neier permitted to look at his mother mothe r inlaw in law if they happen to meet he is expected d to turn his back upon her and if they live in the same house together he must most take care never to look her in the face OXE OSE year ago the intended marriage of andrew birot and clara funkhouser of beaver darn dam wis wib was postponed on account of the death of the tha girls father anew A new wedding day was named but bat before it came round clara died now kow andrew is to many the mother of his former sweetheart iler her ape age is fifty five and he is two tiva |