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Show SALARIES OF STATE EMPLOYEES FIXED Board of Examiners Also Awards Coal Contract to Martin Concern. At a meeting of the state hoard of examiners, ex-aminers, held yesterday, the appointments appoint-ments and salaries of fifty-six clerks and employees in various depart me ins were approvr-d. The C. S. Martin Coal company was awarded the 'ontract from Febiaury 1, 1 1 IT. to tlie swine date next year to furnish fur-nish coal for use at t he state capitol. The prices are to be: Mine screen slack', -i-'I.'Ji per ton ; straight slack, ?3 per ton, and mine dust, $'2.ii) per ton. It is un-dersiood un-dersiood In each case that 2000 pounds is to tie the ton meiLsurement. The appointments and monthly salaries approved were as follows: Horticultural department Louise El-dredge, El-dredge, clerk, SOG.tJG. Slate superintendent of public instruction instruc-tion F. J. Norton, chief deputy, $175; May me Jorfrcnsen, clerk, JIHJ; Chlue Nelson, Nel-son, clerk, $.:; Rhea Freeze, clerk. $S0. Secretary of state's officeJerroId R-Letcher, R-Letcher, deputy, ?21u0 per annum; J. TV. Tlne.y, corporation clerk, $t.jO; Harold Huberts, motor vehicle clerk. $100; Mrs. .1. Tiney, stenographer, .Km; Mrs. R. -r. Button, motor vehicle y tenoffrapher, ?!.") ; Carolyn S. Williams, stenographer and clerk to the board of examiners, JUo; A. G. Jewke.s, motor vehicle clerk, d is-eontinued is-eontinued after February 1. $2f: Mrs. H. (J. 1 larnniond. stenosrapher, discontinued Febraury 1, $75. Office of the state auditor Mark Tuttle, ehicf deputy, $?:; F. Tail Benson, deputy dep-uty auditor, public Institutions, $150; Walter Wal-ter A. Day. deputy auditor road work, ?150; K. G. Thomas, deputy auditor counties, coun-ties, Jl.iO; George T. Judd. deputy auditor and accountant, $150; Silvia Nelson, deputy dep-uty auditor marks and brands, 90; Le-nore Le-nore Reid, stenographer. $65. Library organizer. Miss Mary E. Downey, Dow-ney, S223.. State high school inspector. Mosiah Hall. $2110. State capitol .1. TT. Cook, custodian and engineer, $100; James Maxwell, chief janitor, jan-itor, $S5; Pk. N. Ivory, assistant engineer, J. L. Justice, guide, $75 ; Joseph Friedman, fruard, $00 ; James McFerland, watchmnn, $75; J. L. Smith, watchman, janitors, rate of $65 per month, Henry Hen-ry Hutton, J. N. Rock, James Nattress, .1 o h n Price, John Va rl ey , William T . Bodine, Herman H. Sundstrum, John Timpson. Karl G. Brandley, Thomas Mc-Kean, Mc-Kean, Joseph A. Fisher and Louis E. Orossen; janitors, legislative halls, rate $i5 per month, W. G. KUis. Fidar C. Warning, Richard Griffiths. Fred Wells; firemen, rate $75 per month, J. TO. Reed, William Catmull. Henry F. Schulthies; elevator operators, rate Stio per month, John Considine and Gordon -K. Knltrht; ianitresses. rate S-i5 per month, Mrs. Anna Neve and Mrs. Joseph Monson; telephone operators. Alice B. Hust, $50, and Bessie Price, $40: wall cleaner. Glen Cannion, $65. and Thomas Smith, watchman, state library, S1. |